Functionalist view on youth subcultures
they argue that it is time for transition where youth learn traits to become an adult, but this process is frustrating, leading to them taking part in young subcultures that could be deviant. Still, they release frustration and pent-up stress during this transitional phase of becoming an adult.
list names of functionalists who argue about youth subcultures and explain what they argue
Parsons - period of transition = Young people are facing an anomic situation as they go through youth to adulthood which increases their maturity
Eisenstadt - youth subcultures help release pent-up frustration and stress as it’s a journey from becoming a child to an adult so there’s a temporal rebel stage before they settle down and become adults as this prevents anomie through the release during the youth era
Roszak - there’s a generation gap, the youth have different norms and values from the elderly so there’s a lack of understanding between the 2.
What is the evaluation of functionalists’ view on the youth subculture?
New right - Hall and Jefferson argue that functionalists ignore class and how the working use the subcultures to resist the bourgeoisie
Hockey and James argue functionalists assume all cultures have norms and values to which they conform but not all have the same
Cloward and Ohlin argue adults are the leaders of crime and they teach the young as if they are trainees so therefore it’s not a phase that just passes by
Marxists and Neo Marxists’ views on youth subcultures
Marxists argue how spectacular youth subculture study has been done by neo-Marxists working under CCCS and they focus on the ruling class. Youth subcultures are formed to resist the capitalist society and the ruling class
List some names of Marxists/Neo-Marxists who argue about youth subcultures.
Hall and Jefferson - the ruling class forces their values onto the main society through media and economy and society does feel controlled but because of the responsibilities they have they can rebel however the youth dont have any responsibilities so they can rebel through the forming subculture which then can resist through music and fashion
Hebdige - youth express their subcultures through music and fashion but the bourgeoisie/ upper class can use this to their advantage by placing subcultral symbols into the fashion or music so they are still being controlled.
Brake - argues about magical solutions as youth subcultures thought they were resisting but they weren’t because subcultures bring the feeling of unity and collective security but they lack political impact and so eventually conformed into adult lives which were exploited by the ruling class
what is the evaluation of Marxists?
Eisenstadt - youth only rebel for a little while until they reach adulthood where they gain social bonds and have to accept being part of the capitalist society. this is seen as a positive thing and not seen in a way which benefits the bourgeoisie but it is a moving-on period.
Cohen - argues that Marxists focus too much on theory and instead should be focusing on the subcultures so it’s hard to know if these views are valid or not
feminists challenge CCCS because it ignores girls in subcultres
what do feminists argue about youth subcultures?
girls are ignored in youth subculture studies and how the field is overly dominated by boys
list feminist names of youth subcultures
McRobbie and Garber - bedroom subculture where girls are kept in their bedroom due to fear of parents letting them out where boys are dominating the streets so instead they stay inside in their rooms and gossip which is their own form of subculture
McRobbie - there’s a new feminity emerging through magazines and media where instead of looking at husbands and boyfriends they care about self-care and keeping their mind at peace and confidence
Hey - girls’ subcultures are very secretive and controlled so it’s harder to record and compulsory heterosexuality existed.
evaluation of feminism
Klein - girls commit aggressive and violent crimes just like males but due to the chivalry thesis girls are expected to be mature and
Lees - girls are sexually controlled through terms like slags used by peers to control them from hem joining subcultures going against the stereotypical view of girls
Jackson - ladettes
what do postmodernists argue about youth subculture?
It is a pick-and-choose culture where youth have the choice to explore their identity through globalisation and consumer society where they can create their identity through many
list some names of postmodernists who argue about youth subculture.
MAFFESOLI: neo tribes > alternative name to subcultures > no one is limited to just one > not organised along traditional social lines > concerned with single issues eg. anti-globalisation
POLHEMUS: supermarket of style
pick and mix their identity > Individuals combine different styles rather than sticking to one
MUGGLETON: class, gender and ethnicity are no longer significant in defining culture > no need to study these groups > Youth culture based on choices made and products consumed > overrides all other factors like social divisions
evaluation of postmodernists
SEWELL: still influenced by ethnicity > cultural comfort zones
LEES: girls’ sexuality policed by derogatory language > dont have the freedom that is suggested
BRAKE: w/c form subcultures to create magical solutions to their oppression n > seek shared sense of identity and belonging