How are subculture and ethnicity linked together?
Many subcultures have many ethnic influences, particularly in terms of music. For example, early rock and roll music Teddy Boys listened to was influenced by black rhythm and blues music
what does hebdige argue?
British youth can be read as a succession of differential responses to the black immigrant presence in Britain like mods imitating cool styles from West Indians
what does Nayak argue?
white wannabes who are influenced and copy black culture
examples of ethnic subculture
explain Rastafarians?
- they are less exclusive to youth subculture
- Jamaican/Caribbean culture
- dreadlocks
- colours associated are red gold and black = flags associated with Ethiopia
- smocking marijuana
what does Hebdige argue Rastafarians?
- they are a resistance to white culture and racism in their roots due to white people and their linked to slavery. its a spiritual movement
what does Johal argue?
- some British Asians adopt a hyper ethnic style which exaggerates their parents culture like watching Bollywood movies and listening to Asian music.
- code switching where they have different personality at home and different ones with their peers.
what does Mercer argue?
- styling of hair in black culture and its symbolic meaning. how brad dreadlocks are part of an identity for black people but straightening their hair is imitating white culture and he says how it creates a hybridity.
criticism of sociologists on youth subculture?
the CCCS and feminists don’t consider race and ethnicity of youth subcultures
too white focused, Hebdige agues how in black styles there’s subcultures that still need to be explored.
what’s cashmores study?
- study on rap music and how it shows hybridity and how’s there a multiple types of music like bhangra music and British music being mixed together creating hybridity.
examples of hybrid subcultures?
white Wannabies - nayak
modern primitives - loose membership like tattoos earring
what does Juno and Vale argue?
body modifications undertaken by modern primitives reaction to the sense of powerlessness created by living in a fast changing world through which some sense power and control regained
what’s cultural appropriation?
taking aspects of cultures and us as their own and claiming it without respect or acknowledge to the culture.
what does Hutnyk argue?
there are power differentials in work within the western subcultures which may strip the meaning of symbols and use them In a superficial way
What does Brah argue?
code switching with British Asian teens where they seen formal and respectful language in their house and then outside they use swear words with their peers.
what does cashmore+ troyna argue?
ethnic minorities look for support due to social exclusion and racism within their community which enforcers their culture and community. makes religion stronger as well
what does Jacobson argue?
Islam boys are strong with their religion due to social exclusion they face from society. She found British Muslims face difficulties and problems, and a
strong Muslim identity gives them a strong sense of stability and security. Islamic identity and other
religious practises are a form of resistance to marginalisation and racism, and isn’t just absorbed through
the family, but consciously constructed.
what does Modood argue?
- 2nd gen ethnic minorities are more British then their parents.