define gender identities
an individual idenity based on their gender/ sex
what does Ann Oakley argue? both
canalisation - which is where boys and girls are given certain toys and activities to promote their gender stereotypes. for example giving girls kitchen sets and baby dolls to function them into the role of becoming a mother and young boys are given building sets and legos which promotes them to become more practical and achieve the breadwinner roles in society.
what does Wilson argue? both
looks at the biological view where men have this need to spread their seeds and increase the population whereas women have to nurture and care for their child and be faithful to their husband for the children’s upbringing.
what does Parsons argue? both
gender roles are biological due to each gender’s characteristics. women take on the expressive role as they are seen as caring and nurturing whereas men take on the instrumental role which is where they are the breadwinner and protecter. this is implemented through socialisation and these characteristics must be placed because it’s functional for society
what does Archer argue? both
mother’s emotional role whereas fathers provide economically through money
what does Davis argue? both
Through media and averts it reinforced gender stereotypical characteristics like cooking taking care of children and directing certain products at certain genders.
what does Storey argue? boys
boys are socialised into being aggressive through the music they listen for example Eminem’s rap music reinforces dominance, gang culture and violence
what does Gaulett argue? boys
sports and media, influence boys on how to behave and dress
what does Lees argue? girls
peers control girls through their derogatory language of calling girls sluts or slags when they have too many sexual partners
what does Kimmel argue? both
due to fear of being left out, they dont go against the expected norm in attitude for both girls and boys
what does Frosh et al argue? boys
Being in school and only focusing on sports and not education makes your social status increase and makes boys look cooler and seen as feminine to study hard
what does Mac and Gail argue?boys
male teachers agreed with boys who had sexist views and anti subculture behaviour
and discovered the macho-lads who valued the three F’s which were fucking, football and fighting
what does Adkins argue? girls
women use their charm at work to get a better advance by using high pitch voices and heavier makeup to fit around a male-dominated environment
what does Connel argue? boys
boys are seen as the breadwinners - hegemonic masculinity
name a new type of feminine identity
Ladettes - jacksons = drinking smoking and underachieving in school name taken from the lads which was a study done by Willis on young working-class school boys
- what does Seidler argue? girls
- what does Blackman argue? girls
- girls have a double life where inside their house they listen to their brother and father whereas outside they are more dominant and assertive
- girls have the confidence to challenge sexism and the male culture of the school
what does Parker and Lyle argue?
what does Simpson argue?
Men are more feminine and express their emotions and feelings now, as well as do housework and take equal part in raising the children they are a new man
men are more interested in their healthy diets and appearance than before and the media influences this as many celebrities encourage them to take an interest in their appearance
what does Connel argue about? Men
crisis in masculinity as new masculinity is emerging and because women are becoming more independent they dont know what their role is in society This is also due to many new types of masculinity emerging.