youth key concepts Flashcards
age after infancy but before adolescence
period between childhood and adulthood
between the ages of 13-19
disappearance of childhood
postman’s view that the innocent age, in which the young have little responsibility or worry is being eroded
loss of innocence
the belief that the children grow up fast and become aware of adult issues early
period between childhood and adulthood
social construction of youth
the belief that the age of youth is not the same everywhere,social factors affect both age and the norms surrounding that stage
period of change from one stage to the next
rites of passage
initiation into the next stage of life
agents of social control
the various groups, both formal and informal that control our behavoir
following the rules
formal agents of social control
agents that only exist to control society eg.the police
informal agents of social control
agents that control society but that isn’t their primary function,eg hidden curriculum in schools
peer group
others of the same age,interests and social status
peer group pressure
the feeling that you should conform to the expectations of others your age
youth culture
a set of norms and values that connect all young people
youth subculture
different cultures that are within youth culture
bedroom subculture
a subculture of young teenage girls
growth of affluence
an increase in wealth
manipulation by the media
idea that the media has invented youth culture in order to make money
solution to problems
join a subculture to share problems
a group that has some form of membership,some form of hierarchy and is often involved in criminal activities
a gangs area which they claim as their own
delinquent subculture
groups that commit illegal activities