crime and deviance key concepts Flashcards
an action that’s against the law
actions that go against the norms and values of a society
cross cultural deviance
something that’s deviant in some cultures but not in others
situational deviance
something only deviant in certain situations
historical deviance
only deviant at a certain time
following the rules
agents of social control
groups that control our behavoir
formal social control
agents that only exist to control society
informal social control
agents that control society but isn’t their only function
official statistics
shows what crimes have been committed. Information supplied by police, courts and prison system
victim survey
people are asked what crimes have been committed against them
self report study
questionnaire that asks what crimes they have comitted
undesirable,anti social behaviour of young people
peer group pressure
pressure applied to a person by a group to get them to fit in with the groups norms
thinking of a person/group of people in a certain way presuming everyone in that group are a particular type of person
gender socialisation
teaching males and females the expected patterns of behaviour for their gender
police targetting
the police focus on a particular group of people in society,believing them to be involved in criminal activity
treating people differently because of their social characteristics eg.not giving someone a job bc they are female
treating people differently because of their ethnicity
not feeling part of the wider society or culture,feeling separate or cut off from it
self fulfilling prophecy
a way of thinking about a person/group of people that causes them to behave in a way that makes that belief a reality
deviance based on role
eg.soldiers get away with killing