Year 9 Geography Flashcards
Where is the ice in the world?
Antarctica, Greenland, Himalayas, Andes, Alps, Rocky Mountains, Iceland, New Zealand (south), Kilimanjaro
What are the four types of ice?
Ice sheet, mountain glacier, valley glacier, sea ice
What is the definition of an ice sheet and what’s an example of it?
A mass of ice that covers the land for a long period of time with an area greater that 50,000km², Antarctica
What is the definition of a mountain glacier and what’s an example of it?
Small glaciers found on mountain sides, The Alps
What is the definition of a valley glacier and what’s an example of it?
Frozen river of ice flowing down a valley, Franz Josef Glacier in New Zealand
What is the definition of sea ice and what’s an example of it?
An area of frozen seawater, Arctic
What are two uses of glaciated environments?
Hill farming, Tourism
What is hill farming?
It consists of alternating farming sheep between the top and bottom of the valley. In winter months, animals will be kept lower in the valley for the animals welfare, whilst they’ll be higher up in the summer months.
What is tourism?
When people pay to visit an area of interest like on holiday. Due to the picturesque landscapes carved out by glaciers, millions of tourists visit places like the Lake District every year to take in the scenery, walks, camping and water based activities on lakes.
What are the two glacial processes?
Weathering and Erosion
What’s an example of weathering?
Freeze-thaw weathering - Water enters a crack during the day, freezes and expands overnight. Water melts and repeats and eventually breaks rock apart.
What’s an example of erosion?
Plucking - Ice at the bottom of the glacier freezes around rocks. As the glacier moves downhill it pulls of bits of rock.
Abrasion - Rocks at the bottom of the glacier rub against the bedrock like sandpaper, wearing it away.
What is the definition of weathering?
The process of wearing or being worn by long exposure to the atmosphere.
What is deposition?
When transported material has been dropped, often due to a lack of energy.
What is the definition of a glacier?
A slow moving frozen river created by accumulated and compacted snow.