Year 2 Shoulder Examination Flashcards
what do you look for
Symmetry - muscle bulk, height of the shoulder, rotation swelling deformity - such as scapular deformity redness scars muscle bulk
what do you feel for
joint features
assessing effusion
what do you move
- do active and passive movements
what are the special tests
- assessing the specific features of the joint
Why are bursae important clinically
bursae in the shoulder can become inflamed limiting shoulder movement and resulting in impingement
how are bursae associated with bony landmarks
the subarcominal bursae sits between the supraspinatus and acromnium
Name the bursae in the shoulder
subacrominal bursae
sub deltoid bursae
What does subscapularis do
- Medial rotation
- adducts glenohumeral joints
What does supraspinatus do
initiate abduction to 15 degrees
what does infraspinatus and trees minor do
lateral rotation of the glenohumeral joint
given the structure of the glenohumeral joint why are the rotator cuff muscles of particular importance
- key role is stabilisation
- the glenohumeral joint is unstable therefore the rotator cuff muscles are of particular importance
Which nerve and muscle area affected to cause winging of the scapular
long thoracic nerve C5, C6, C7
what movement can you do to show a winged scapular
ask the patients to flex there arms to 90 degrees and push against the wall
in the shoulder what muscle is responsible for
- flexion
- extension
- abduction
- adduction
- medial rotation
- lateral rotation
- hands on head
- hands in the back pockets
- flexion anterior deltoid pec major long head of biceps corachobrachilais
- extension lat dorsi trees major pec major deltoid long head of triceps
- abduction
- adduction Pec major lat dorsi corachobrachilais trees major
- medial rotation subscuplaris trees major lat dori pec major deltoid
- lateral rotation
teres minor
deltoid - hands on head
abduction and lateral rotation - hands in the back pockets
extension and lateral rotation