Cardio Year 2 Flashcards
what are you looking for when you look at the precordium
: inspect, palpate for heaves & thrills, apex beat, auscultate heart sounds.
Lung bases: fine crepitations.
what do you palpate for
what is included in general demeanour
Alert and oriented? This includes talking coherently etc.
Are they in obvious pain? (this includes writhing or continually moving with colicy pain (abdomen wise), & keeping absolutely still with peritonitis.
Do they look ill?
Is there any medical equipment round the bed?
Intravenous infusion? Ambulant oxygen?
Ventilator? Tablets, Sputum pots
Are there any indicators of disability?
Wheelchair? Crutches? Limb in plaster? Amputation? Etc, etc.
what do you look for in the legs
Amputations? Bandages etc. Gross oedema- get this in heart failure? Ulcers?
Varicose veins? Scars? Colour, colour difference?
Are the legs moving?
what do you look form in the abdomen
Re cardiovascular system: pulsating mass of AAA - abdominal aortic aneurysm
what do you look for in the chest
moving? Symmetrical? Any obvious abnormality or effort in respiratory movements? Obvious pulsation? Drains?
what do you look form in the arms and hands
amputations? Bandages etc? Swelling? Scars? Shunts or fistulae? Colour, colour difference? Are they moving?
what do you form in the neck
obvious pulsation? Obvious swelling? Tracheostomy/tomy?
what do you look for in the face
Obvious cyanosis, Obvious pallor, Obvious jaundice? Facial flush? symmetrical? Moving?
what does vitamin B12 deficiency lead to
pernicious anaemia
what do you look for in the hands
colour? Temperature/sweaty? Peripheral cyanosis- poor circulation? Tar staining? Clubbing? Splinter haemorrhage? Osler’s nodes (etc)? Koilonychia? Dupuytren’s contracture? Capillary refill
what is sinus arrhythmia
- heart rate speeds up and slow down as you breath in and out - not pathological
what should you look for in the mouth
Sores around mouth, & at corners (angular stomatitis, or angular cheilosis), Central cyanosis, Glossitis? Mouth ulcers? (Soft palate & tongue movements)
what should you look for in the eyes
Mucosal pallor, scleral jaundice, xanthelasmata, arcus, pupils (equal?), (squints & eye movements
what should you take in regards to circulation
Take the pulse: rate rhythm, character/volume.
Rate: count for 15 or 20 secs, multiply appropriately.
Rhythm: regular or irregular. If there is sinusarrhythmia (speeds up & slows down as breathes in and out) you should comment on this, but not pathological.
Character/volume: slow rising pulse of aortic stenoisis, collapsing pulse of aortic regurgitation, fast weak “thready” pulse of shock, asymetrical pulse of coarctation or vascular disease: you need experience for this!
Kolionychia is classically due to…
iron deficiency anaemia
how should a patient sit in a Cardio examination
- exposed from waist up sitting at 45 degrees
where is the radial pulse
lateral side of the wrist, lateral to the FCR
what do you look for in the radial pulse
- rate
- rhythm
- character volume
- symmetry
what are the other pulses
- brachial
- carotid
- dorsalis pedis
- posterior tibial
how do you do blood pressure
- locate radial pulse (lateral – thumb side of wrist) & brachial pulse (medial side arm!).
- Put on cuff, & pump up while feeling radial pulse. When pulse disappears is systolic BP approximately.
- Let down, & put on stethoscope (if you are slick, don’t have to let down)
- Pump up cuff to higher than your estimate of systolic.
- Listen over brachial pulse: you hear nothing.
- Let down cuff slowly: the pressure when the Korotkoff sounds appear is systolic, the pressure when they disappear is diastolic.
when the cuff is above the systolic pressure you don’t hear anything
when they appear it is systolic
stop hearing them when diastolic
what are korotkoff sounds due to
- turbulent blood flow under the cuff
how do you measure theJVP
You are looking for the pulsation of the internal jugular vein in the neck, & measure its height vertically above the angle of Louis.
where is the internal jugular vein
- between the two heads of SCM