What is an operating system?
Core software controls how a computer operates.
What are the purpose of operating systems?
- Provides a user interface
- Managing hardware/peripherals
- Memory management
- Manages CPU/handles interrupts
- Provides security
- Provides a platform to run other systems/software
- Provides utilities for system maintenance
What are the parts of the operating system?
- The Kernel (heart of operating system)
- Device drivers
- The user interface
- System utilities
What is the kernel?
Kernal in different operating systems may be responsible for slightly different blend of tasks.
Loading/unloading applications from memory.
Memory management.
File management.
Data security.
How does the kernel work?
Designed for operating system
What is a File Allocation Table (FAT) and what does it do?
A map of where your files are stored on a hard disk
- Stores pointers/addresses to the start of files
- Stores file names, file sizes and access rights
- It allows the OS to identify free space in memory
What is NTFS (New Technology File System)
New Tech File System which supports larger hard drives, file sizes and longer file names
What is a device driver ?
It’s a script / info that enables the operating system to control and interface with hardware
What is GUI
Graphical user interface is a friendly way for people to interact with computers
What is CLI
Command line interface
Simpler cause it’s text base
What are the types of scheduling
Round robin
First come first serve
Shortest job first
Shortest remaining time
Multi level feedback queue
What is round robin?
Gives an equal amount of time being processed
Probs it a time slot so if to much it get ignored until comes back round, don’t do priority
Advantages simple to implement
What is First come first serve
What ever one comes first is dealt with first
Other jobs have to wait for the first to be done
No priority system
What is Short job first
Does the smallest first
Minimise the advantages
Long task could get left for ages
What is multilevel feedback queue
Takes Ito account priority and Priority’s can be adjusted
Very complicated
Not very efficient if jobs all same priority
What is Shortest remaining time
Quickest job left to complete finish first