What affects CPU performance?
Clock speed
- N of cores
- Cache size
- RAM size
- WORD size
- Bus width
What are Cores?
more cores usually faster processing - Higher complexity Improves performance tacks spit between cores
What is parallel processing?
More than one processor =synchronised
What is a Cache?
small amount of memory which is part of CPU = holds instructions which likely to be reused
- checks this before requesting data from RAM
- saves fetching
What are the different grades of cache?
L1 part of the CPU itself both being the smallest but fastest to access.
Each level the cache gets larger but slower to access.
More L2 and L3 memory available the faster the computer can run.
What is ROM?
ROM - Non volatile - store a limited n of instructions - not changeable
What is memory ?
Memory - stores data and instruction
What is RAM?
Random Access Memory is used to temp store data and instruction being used by the current program running.
The phrase ‘Random’ means that data and instruction can be read from or written to any part of the memory.
What is word size?
- word = number of bits which moves from one component to another
- can only reference memory locations which fit within size of address bus
- how many bits CPU can manipulate in one go
What is the Data Bus?
The amount of bits that can be transferred simultaneously from one device to another.
Provides two way connection allowing data and instructions to travel on.
What is the Address bus?
access data in memory one direction from CPU
- address bus determines maximum amount of accessible locations
What are the names of the buses?
Address bus
- Data bus
- Control bus
What is the Control Bus?
two way to transmit commands,timing,specific status info
What is clock speed and how does it relate to a computers performance?
CPU is a sequential machine so carries one instruction at a time in order.
To coordinate this it has a internal clock which runs at certain speeds which indicates how fast a CPU can run.
What is clock speed measured in and what does it indicate?
Measured in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz) and corresponds to how many instruction cycles the CPU can deal with in a second.
(A 4 GHz CPU performs four billion cycles a second.)
What is overclocking?
Where some people increase CPU clock speed to try to make their computer run faster.
Possible to change max CPU clock speed in BIOS settings.
What are the ways cores can improve performance of a computer?
Parallel Processing where a task or problem is split up across all the available cores so each core tackle part of the overall problem. (In theory doubles or quadruples performance.)
Multitasking where multiple tasks can be performed at the same time
e.g. each core handles a seperate piece of software.
Does increasing number of cores increase performance?
Doubling number of cores doesn’t necessarily double computer speed as this extra speed is used up when they communicate between each other.
How does more RAM increase computer performance?
More instructions/programs held in RAM and run at same time.
Software responds faster.
Can run more memory intensive software.
Reduces use of Virtual memory.
Less use of Hard Disk which slower to access.