Y10 Origins and Meanings Flashcards
What qualities do Christians think God has?
Omni - PotentOmni - BenevolentOmni - ScientOmni - Present
What did G.K. Chesterson say about the creation of the universe and God?Give a quote.
He said everything was so exact like it had a designer - God. “There seems to be a design, a purpouse”
What did St Augustine say about creation ex nihilo. Give a quote.
“From nothing, then you created heaven and earth”
What is a Fundamental Christian?What is the worldview they have called?
Christians that think the Bible should be interpreted literally and the creation stories happened exactly in the way they were written down in Genesis.The worldview is called CREATIONISM.
Give the 3 main beliefs of Creationists:
1 - The Bible is the word of God and so it must be totally accurate.2 - God had given humans His truth through the Bible.3 - Humans have no right to prefer their own interpretations to the actual words of God.
Give 3 similarities between the beliefs of Catholics and Creationists:
1 - They both believe in the same God.2 - The Bible writers were inspired by God.3 - The Bible is the word of God that gives help to us in our lives today.
Give 3 differences between the beliefs of Catholics and Creationists:
1 - Catholics think Genesis is like a story with a deeper or hidden meaning - while Creationists believe there is no hidden meanimg.2 - Catholics interpret the 6 days indicates God is the creator of time - not that it literally took 6 days.3 - Catholics think that the Bible is a historical document and not to be taken word for word. UNDERSTAND THE CONTEXT.
What is the Big Bang Theory?
The theory that the universe originated in an explosion of light, matter and energy that created time and space.
When did the Big Bang happen and how did it start?
13.7 billion years ago. It burst into existence in darkness because light didn’t exist.
What happened whilst the Big Bang was happening?
Anti matter and matter destroyed eachother.
What is the universe made from?
Sub atomic particles.
What is matter?
What was left over - the stuff that make up the world.
What did Stephen Hawking believe?
There is very strong evidence to support the theory that the universe had a one off beginning. He calles this a moment of singularity.
Give a quote from Stephen Hawking.
“Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing”.
Give 3 Catholic responses to the Big Bang Theory:
1 - It had to be exactly the right micro second. Too soon =too small to form stars and too late = everything would have flown away too fast before stars could form. GOD IS ALL KNOWING - he did this.2 - Only God could have made Scientific laws such as Gravity to make solar systems because he is ALL POWERFUL.3 - Life on Earth requires carbon to bond with 4 other atoms - only God could have done this because he is ALL KNOWING.
Some Catholics believe the Bible creation story match with science. Explain this.
In Genesis 1:3 God said “Let there be light” which some Catholics claim is a direct reference to the Big Bang.
Who was St Catherine of Siena?
A woman of deep spirituality who was passionate in her desire to make people aware of their openness to God.
What was St Catherine of Siena’s work called?
The Dialogue of Divine Providence.
What did St Catherine of Siena see when she was 5?
A vision of Jesus - he smiled at her and blessed her.
Who was Charles Darwin?
A famous scientist in the 1800’s.
What did Charles Darwin do in 1831?
He went on a voyage to different countries to observe and collect different types of plants and animals.
What did Charles Darwin find after his voyage?
That the 15 different species of finch had different shaped beaks based on what food they ate. The finches who ate hard fruit had sharp beaks so they can get through the skin. The finches who eat insects had skinny beaks to pick them up better.
What is natural selection/survival of the fittest?
Animals which are best suited to the environment survive and pass their genes to their babies.
Explain natural selection with moths.
In London early 1800’s, 98% Peppered moths were light coloured like the trees so they could hide from birds. The 2% that were dark were easy to see and eat. SMOKE AND SOOT FROM FACTORIES STAINED TREES.Dark moths could survive better. 1895 - 95% of moths were dark.
What did Pope John Paul say about evolution?
It is a great merit and helps us to learn about the world. Evolution shows how we have changed over time whilst religion shows God’s love for us.
Give 2 Catholic responses to the theory of evolution:
1 - If God wanted to create human beings, the process can involve a Big Bang and Evolution.2 - In Genesis we ask why?, in science we ask how? Catholics say there still needed something to be there in the first place for everything to happen. Science shows us how everything happened and religion shows us why - it was part of God’s loving plan.
Who is Richard Dawkins?What was his book called?
A philospher who believes religion is dangerous. Wrote a book “God Delusion” - attempts to convince people to be aethiest.
What does Richard Dawkins say about the idea that God created the world with a plan?
All life, all intellegnce, creativity, designs anywhere in the universe is a direct or indirect product of Dawin’s natural selection theory.
What does Richard Dawkins believe genes are?
Little packets of information, programmes that are struggling to survive. The struggle to survive is worked out in the process of evolution.
What does Richard Dawkins say about the soul?
NO such thing as one and NO evidence.
What do genes have to do with natural selection?
When a new organism/species emerges sometimes random genetic codes slip in. Some of these help spedies to surive and some make no dfference
Give 3 responses Catholics may have to Richard Dawkins:
1 - “How did the universe first come to existence?” Something has to exist before a life force can be driven forward through natural selection. 2 - There’s no conflict between a God created universe which is partly random. We are not God and cannot understand what he is thinking or his plan. 3 - Science is not in a position to say anything about souls because it is not the type of thing science studies.
What is Abortion?
The removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive.
What is the Sanctity of Life?
Life belongs to God so only he can take it away.
Explain PRO - CHOICE (abortion).
The name given to the movement which supports a girl or a womans right to terminate a pregnancy.
Explain PRO - LIFE (abortion).
The name given to those who support the foetus’ right to life and want abortion to be banned because it denies the foetus’ right to life.
The UK Law says a woman can only abort if…(4 points)
2 doctors agree that:1 - Mother’s life at risk.2 - Mother’s physical/mental health at risk.3 - The child is likely to be severely handicapped.4 - Would be a serious effect on other children in the family.
The UK law says an abortion cannot happen after 24 weeks, why?
Because the baby could survive outside the womb at this point.
Why is abortion a controversial issue? ( 4 points )
1 - Some people believe life begins at conception so abortion is murder whilst some believe life begins when a baby is born.2 - Woman should have the right to do what she wants with her own body. An unwanted baby is like an unwanted tumour. 3 - Medical staff shouldn’t have to carry out abortions - they may feel guilt.4 - Foetus’ right is more important than mother’s right.
What happens to a foetus at 20 weeks?
It can hear and recognise the mother’s voice.