Y10 Judaism (KEYWORDS) Flashcards
The place where God’s presence rests and can be felt.
The anointed one who Jews believe will bring in a new era or age for humankind. This will include rebuilding the Temple and bringing in an age of universal peace.
The term has a mix of meanings. It is often used to refer to duties (such as the 613 in the Torah) and good deeds.
A promise or agreement between two parties. Covenants were made between God with Noah, Abraham and Moses.
House of assembly: building for Jewish public prayer, study and assembly.
(‘fit’ or ‘proper’) Foods that are permitted to be eaten according to Leviticus Chapter 11. It is also used to refer to the purity of ritual objects such as Torah scrolls.
The five books of Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.) Regarded as the holiest books of the Tenakh.
Day of spiritual renewal and rest. Beginning at sunset on Friday and closing at nightfall on Saturday.
A Jewish prayer, affirming belief in one God, found in the Torah.
A religion that believes there is only one God.
The idea that people have a God-given duty to take care of Earth in a responsible way.
Having control over Earth.
Original Sin:
The ‘evil’ or ‘sin’ that is in all humans as a consequence of “The Fall.”
Pilcuach Nefesh:
The obligation to save a life even if doing so breaks Jewish Laws.
Yetzer ha tov:
The urge to do good.
Yetzer ha ra:
The urge to do evil.
The belief that God judges a person based on their actions and either rewards them or punishes them as a result.
Rising from the dead or returning to life.
Olam Ha - Ba:
The afterlife or world to come.
This is known as the ‘standing prayer’ and is at the core of Jewish Prayer.
Having a conversation with God. This can happen any time but people should join to pray together.