X100.1 Flashcards
The Army retains an ___ relationship over Army units assigned or allocated to a combatant commander. This is the relationship that allows it to meet its Title 10 responsibilities.
__ __ __ is the 5-part Army document that refines national strategy and combatant command requirements into an executable plan.
The Army Plan
___ ___ is the process the Army uses to manage change while balancing needs (today and in the future) with resource constraints.
Force Management
___ ___ ___ is an estimated amount of ammunition needed to sustain tactical operations, without ammunition expenditure restrictions, over a specified period. RSR computation is a bottom-up not a logistics function.
Required Supply Rate
What document establishes Combatant Commands?
Unified Campaign Plan
___ ___ is the primary way the DoD employs two or more services in a single operation.
Joint Operations
___ is the simultaneous execution of offense, defense, stability, and DSCA across multiple domains to shape the OE, prevent conflict, prevail in LSCO, and consolidate gains as a part of unified action.
___ ___ are established to conduct broad, continuing missions requiring execution by significant forces of two or more military departments to achieve national objectives.
Unified Commands
What are the three frameworks JP 3-0 describes to help commanders and staffs apply a systems perspective to understand the OE, and what are the elements of this framework?
___ ___ ___ frames the forces and trends in the global environment; it also frames the workspace of national security policymakers of strategy.
Unified Land Operations
Sovereign equality is marked by what two elements?
- ) Territorial integrity of a state are inviolable
- ) Obligated to carry out its international obligations fully and conscientiously and to live in peace with other states.
The ___ associated with a policy option are the chance of incurring loss, danger, or misfortune while executing the option.
___ ___ is what a state considers important to the independence of their state, important elements that a state defends?
National Interests.
What document established the requirement for Combatant Commands?
Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986
Force management uses many processes, including three critical DoD decision support systems. They are:
True or False: ASCCs are heavily engaged in Tittle 10 management of units working for a combatant command.
True or False: ASCCs can further delegate ADCON to the senior Army HQ operating in a particular area.
The ___ validates all Army documents for JCIDS prior to submission to the joint staff, J-8 deputy director for requirements for review and approve of joint requirements and ASA(AL&T) for material development.
Generally developed by branch proponents, what package formally recommends a new or modified organizational structure?
The ___ lists the planned placement of quantities of equipment and associated support items as well as the reciprocal displacement of equipment and personnel.
Total Army Analysis (TAA) first determines the total Army requirements and then the force to be resourced based on priorities, budgetary constraints, and guidance. The resulting force structure is known as the…
Program Objective Memorandum (POM) Force
What is the distinction between mission command as a philosophy and mission command as a war-fighting function?
Under the philosophy of mission command, commanders understand their leadership guided the actions of the force. Commander, assisted by their staffs, use the guiding principles of mission command to balance the art of command and the science of control.
What is the operation that directly accomplishes the mission. It determines the outcome of a major operation, battle, or engagement? It is the focal point around which commanders design an entire operation.
Decisive operation
The ___ ___ is a geographic place, specific key event, critical factor, or function that, when acted upon, allows commanders to gain a marked advantage.
Decisive point.
What facilitates the coordination and cooperation towards common objectives, even if the participants are not of the same command organization (product of unified action)?
Unity of effort.