Wx Theory + Wx Services Flashcards
What happens when warm, moist, stable air flows upslope
It produces stratus type clouds
What type of cloud is forecast in a TAF?
The only type of cloud forecast in TAF reports is cumulonimbus clouds. Also known as thunder clouds, it’s the only type of cloud that can produce hail, thunder, or lightning.
Which inflight advisory would contain information on severe icing not associated with thunderstorms?
What are two ways to determine PA?
Pressure altitude is read by setting altimeter to 29.92 and reading the kollsman window, or calculating manually by: subtract current altimeter setting from 29.92, multiply by 1000, add to field elevation (subtract if negative)
Why is DA useful? How do you calculate it?
Density altitude is used to estimate airplane performance. Found with E6B or DA chart. On a DA chart, enter at the bottom with OAT, draw a line straight up until you reach the correct PA. Go direct left to find DA.
What are the types of weather briefs from FSS?
Standard - within 2 hrs of flight
Outlook briefing - When requesting weather information for the following morning, or more than 6 hrs until departure
Abbreviated briefing - just to confirm info
What is a graphical forecast for aviation (GFA) used for?
To best determine general forecast weather conditions covering a flight information region
What situation is most conducive to the formation of radiation fog?
Warm, moist air over low, flatland areas on clear, calm nights.
If an unstable air mass is forced upward, what type of clouds can be expected?
Clouds with considerable vertical development and associated turbulence.
What should you do if you encounter severe turbulence?
Upon encountering severe turbulence, the pilot should attempt to maintain a level flight attitude.
What is the relationship between weather and heat exchange?
Every physical process of weather is accompanied by or is a result of a heat exchange
What affects the amount of water vapor that air can hold?
The amount of water vapor which the air can hold depends on air temperature
What is ATIS
ATIS is the continuous broadcast of recorded information concerning non-control information in selected high activity terminal areas
What’s the effect of warming from below, upon the stability of the airmass
Warming from below would decrease the stability of an air mass.
Explain NOTAM
NOTAM - notice to air mission. NOTAMs contain aeronautical information that could affect the decision to make a flight.
What is necessary for the formation of fog?
a small temp-dew point spread
What is associated with steam fog?
Steam fog is associated with hazardous low-level turbulence & icing
Describe the formation of thunderstorms
For a thunderstorm to form, the air must have sufficient water vapor, an unstable lapse rate, an initial upward boost (lifting) to start the storm process in motion. Lifting can be provided by surface heating, converging winds, sloping terrain, a frontal surface, or any combination of these. A thunderstorm cell progresses through three stages during its life cycle: cumulus stage (3-5 mile height), mature stage (5-10 mile height), dissipating stage (5-7 mile height). Although not all cumulus clouds form into thunderstorms, all thunderstorms begin as cumulus clouds.
Air mass thunderstorms last for an hour or two. Steady-state thunderstorms are associated with weather systems, often form into squall lines.