Aviation Rules Flashcards
Explain rules for PIC when carrying pax.
No person may act as PIC of an aircraft carrying passengers during the period beginning one hour after sunset and ending one hour before sunrise (as established in the american air almanac) unless, within the preceding 90 days, they have made at least three takeoffs and three landings to a full stop during that period in the category and class of aircraft to be used.
Category, class, type w/respect to the certification of aircraft
Category: means a grouping of aircraft based upon intended use or op limits (transport, normal, utility, acrobatic, limited, restricted, and provisional)
Class: as used with respect to the certification of aircraft, means a broad grouping of aircraft having similar characteristics of propulsion, flight, or landing. Ex: airplane, rotorcraft, glider, balloon, landplane, and sea plane
Type: as used with respect to the certification of aircraft, means those aircraft which are similar in design. Ex: 737-700 and 737-700C; G-IV and G-IV-X; and 1900 and 1900C.
Category, class, type w/respect to the certification of airmen
Category: with respect to the certification, ratings, privileges, and limitations of airmen means “a broad classification of aircraft” (airplane, rotorcraft, glider, and lighter than air).
Class: with respect to cert, ratings, privileges, and limits of airmen means a classification of aircraft within a category having similar operating characteristics (single engine, multi engine, land, water, gyroplane, helicopter, airship, and free balloon).
Type: as used with respect to the certification, ratings, privileges, and limitations of airmen, means a specific make and basic model of aircraft, including modifications that do not change its handling or flight characteristics. Ex: C-172, C-152, DA-20
Explain FAA Advisory Circulars
FAA Advisory Circulars containing subject matter specifically related to ATC and Gen Ops are issued under subject number 90. Subject number 70 pertains to airspace. 20: aircraft. 60: airmen. Advisory circulars are obtained from the “Government Printing Office.”
Informational document that the FAA wants to distribute to the aviation community. For informational purposes only and not regulations. AC 61-65E “61” is for 14 CFR part 61, “65” is the sequence number, “E” is the sequence of the revision for that specific AC.
What must occur before pax can be carried in an aircraft that has been altered in a manner that may have appreciably changed its flight characteristics?
It must be flight tested by an appropriately-rated pilot who holds at least a PPL
What lee-way does a pilot have during an inflight emergency that requires immediate action, is he allowed to deviate from 14 CFR part 91? What are the reporting requirements?
If an inflight emergency requires immediate action, the PIC may deviate from any rule of 14 CFR part 91 to the extent required to meet that emergency. No report required unless requested by the FAA. If report requested, it must be submitted within 48 hrs.
How do you request radar traffic info if you’re a departing VFR aircraft?
Pilots of departing VFR aircraft are encouraged to request radar traffic information by notifying ground control on initial contact with their request and proposed direction of flight.
SVFR min, who to request from when control tower in operation
When a control tower is in operation, requests for SVFR clearances should be to the tower. SVFR Min: 1 mile, clear of clouds
How soon after the conviction for driving while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs shall it be reported to the FAA civil aviation security division?
No later than 60 days after the motor vehicle action
1st, 2nd, and 3rd class Medical Certificates - how long are they valid for? What are they used for?
First-class medical certificate - Required for airline transport pilots and are valid for one year if the airman is under 40 years old. If 40 years or older, it’s valid for 6 months.
Second-class medical certificate - Minimum required for commercial pilot. Valid for one year.
Third-class medical certificate - Is used for private, or recreational pilot certificate. Valid for five years for individuals who have not reached 40 years, otherwise it’s valid for two years.
A higher class medical cert has met the requirements of the lower class as well. A first class med cert becomes a third class when it is used for PPL privileges, and it’s within the 2 or 5 yr window.
Standards for medical certification are found in 14 CFR part 67, and the requirements to obtain can be found in 14 CFR part 61
No person may use an ATC transponder unless it has been tested and inspected within how many months?
The preceding 24 calendar months
What should you do if you must hand prop an aircraft?
Should it be necessary to hand prop an airplane engine, it is extremely important that a competent pilot be at the controls in the cockpit.
Max speed in VFR corridor in class B is __
200 kts
What’s the danger with continuing a VFR flight into IMC conditions? Is it more or less dangerous if the pilot is not instrument qualified/current?
Continuing vfr flight into Imc conditions often leads to spatial disorientation or collision with ground/obstacles. It is even more dangerous if the pilot is not instrument qualified or current.
Unless each occupant of the a/c is wearing an approved parachute, no pilot of a civil aircraft, carrying any person (other than a crewmember) may execute an intentional maneuver that exceeds X bank or X nose up/down, relative to the horizon.
60º AOB, 30º nose up/down
ATC Light Signals
Ground: steady green - cleared for takeoff, flashing green - cleared for taxi, steady red - STOP, flashing red - taxi clear of runway in use, return to starting point on airport
Air: steady green - cleared to land, flashing green - return for landing, steady red - give way and continue circling, flashing red - airport unsafe do not land, flashing white - N/A
Both - alternating flashing red/green - exercise extreme caution
To operate under BasicMed the PIC must have completed a physical exam by a state-licensed physician within the preceding XX months. (BasicMed regulations require you to complete a medical education course every XY months while a physical exam and CMEC - comprehensive medical exam checklist - by a state licensed physician must be completed every XX months.)
What part of the FAR discusses this?
48, 24
(14 CFR 61.23.c.3, 14 CFR 68)