WWII Vocabulary Flashcards
the alliance of Britain, France, and Russia
the hostility or prejudice toward Jews
the “perfect” race, said to be the Germans by Hitler, blond-haired, blue-eyed
to give in to demands to avoid war
the largest concentration camp in WWII
the act of staying out of the affairs and wars of other countries (The US did this during WWII)
an organization created by FDR that was created to promote international cooperation
United Nations (UN)
Nazi laws that eliminated citizenship and many civil and property rights for Jews
Nuremburg Laws
the meeting between the Allied leaders (Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin) in order to reach an agreement about what to do with post-war Europe
Yalta Conference
information created by the government to influence public opinion
a sudden dramatic drop of stock prices in the stock market (many people bought stocks but couldn’t pay back)
Stock Market Crash of 1929
nations that fought against the Allied Powers in WWII
Axis Powers
Who were the Axis Powers?
Japan, Germany, and Italy
“lightning war,” a fast, forceful style of fighting used by the Germans starting with air attacks closely followed by fast-moving land forces
prime minister of Britain, appeased Hitler
Neville Chamberlain
statesman of Britain that believed Hitler was a liar
Winston Churchill
where political opposition was sent to be held, tortured, and killed
Concentration Camps
the landing operations of the Allied forces from Britain to Normandy, France
D-Day (read more about this in article)
a form of government where the main concern is the good of the country, not the citizens’ needs
Hitler’s secret plan to kill all Jews
Final Solution
the destruction (killing) of a certain racial, ethnic, religious, or national group
the two Japanese cities that were targets for the US’s atomic boms
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
the persecution and murder of millions of Jews by the Nazis
Japanese suicide fighter pilots that dive bombed warships with planes full of explosives
“Night of Broken Glass,” anti-Jewish riots that occurred the nights of November 9-10, 1938, Jews were killed and Jewish businesses and synagogues were destroyed
German “living space”
Hitler’s bombing of London and major surrounding cities during the Battle of Britain, Hitler’s goal was to terrorize the British people into losing the will to fight
The London Blitz (see notes for reasons why the people of London did not lose hope)
Stalin’s campaign to rid of all his opponents by sending them to prison camps (Gulag) in Siberia or executing them
The Purge
program started by FDR to help the US recover from the Great Depression, jobs were created, banks were stabilized, and funding was put into public works
The New Deal
My Struggle, a political book written by Hitler while he was in prison that expressed is future political plans and ideas for Germany
Mein Kampf
complete opposition to war and violence
a bias that is not based on actual experience, judging something before actually meeting
List Hitler’s secret police in order from beginning and less lethal to oldest and deadly.
SA, SS, Gestapo
What is V-E Day?
the end of WWII in Europe (Germany surrenders)
What is V-J Day?
the end of WWII in the ocean (Japan surrenders)
a form of government when the government tries to have complete control over the lives of their people
U.S. President during WWII, created the UN
Franklin D. Roosevelt
dictator of Russia during WWII, responsible for the Purge
Joseph Stalin
dictator of Italy during WWII
Benito Mussolini