WWII Short Answer Flashcards
How did Britain and France respond to Hitler’s aggression?
- interested in avoiding a conflict (too much war)
- created a policy of appeasement (Munich agreement-mistake) would not stop Hitler if he did not take anymore countries
- refused to back Czechoslovakia in war
What caused Britain to stand strong against Hitler’s attacks in the Battle of Britain?
- island location gave them an advantage (hide children, Germans can only reach so far with not enough gasoline)
- radar and searchlights pinpointed German planes
- people were empowered by the government (Churchill made non-surrender speeches, royal family stayed with civilians in bomb shelters)
What brought America into the war?
the attack on Pearl Harbor
What was America’s policy prior to entering the war in 1941?
isolationism; not getting involved in other countries’ issues
Who won the battle to control the Atlantic?
The Allies
Why was it so crucial to get control of the Atlantic?
The Atlantic was used to ship supplies to countries.
What was the significance of the Battle of Coral Sea?
The Americans stopped the Japanese advance.
What was the significance of the Battle of Midway?
The Americans began advancing in the Atlantic for the first time.
How did the Battle of Stalingrad show Hitler’s poor judgement?
Hitler began to lose the German advantage because his troops were severely unprepared for the harsh Soviet winter (already unsuccessful from Napoleon’s previous attacks). Hitler also refused to retreat even though Soviet attacks were strong and German troops were surrounded, suffering from hunger and cold.
How did the Nazi government treat Jews before WWII?
Nuremburg Laws- denied German citizenship for Jews, eliminated civil, marriage, and property rights, actively persecuted
Why didn’t people try to stop the Holocaust?
- Didn’t understand the seriousness of the situation
- Scared for their own family
- Thought someone else would act
What effect did D-Day have on the war in Europe?
pushed the war in the Allies favor, German morale decreased greatly
Why was the atomic bomb dropped on Japan?
- create a faster end to war
- spare American troops
- warn Soviet Union about American military might
What happened after WWII?
- Yalta and Potsdam Conference between Allied leaders Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill
- UN formed, governing plans made
- tensions rise between US and Russia about communism
What caused WWII?
- German blamed for WWI (heavy reparations from Treaty of Versailles)
- German economy damaged
- German people humiliated
- Hitler promised to restore German greatness
What was the role of women in the war?
Women ran the nation’s economy (doing men’s jobs) and helped with the war effort by becoming nurses and developing war materials (weapons, uniforms, food).
Why was radar important in the Blitzkrieg?
Radar helped the British detect incoming German planes so they could ready their defenses (deploy planes and warn civilians)