WWII- Road To War And America Enters The War Flashcards
US response to Manchuria invasion
Embargo placed on Japan–> reason for bombing of Pearl Harbor
Japanese invaded china with only a stated disapproval from the League of Nations
Nanking massacre
Rape of Nanking
In china Japanese used fear facts for control- soldiers raped and killed over 1000 women(7-elderly) also stole from businesses and burned them 1/3 city burned to ground 100-200 thousand killed
Germany needed land to send nongermans to
Germany needed connection or union bringing back parts of the Old Empire
Germany used diplomacy and no fighting- annexed in 1938 originally celebrated as he was going to make it better
also had Rhineland for resources
Sudetenland- area where large group of German speaking people claimed they wanted to be part of Germany
Was allied with Britain and france
Munich conference
Meeting between chamberlain, daladier, and Mussolini, and hitler daladier(french) was against giving land back after losing Rhinelands chamberlain wanted to give in
Munich pact
Hitler could claim only the Sudetenland and nothing else-appeasement
Chamberlain returned and felt he prevented a war
1934- Germany made nonaggression pact
Not an alliance
Meant it didn’t ally with Britain or France
Soviet Union
Secret nonaggression pact with hitler aka nazi-soviet pact
Both would invade Poland and divide it
Also not an alliance
Hitler’s blitz
Germany invaded Poland and Britain and France declared war on Germany while US declared neutrality soviet union then invaded Poland before they surrendered
Katyn massacre
Villagers were trying to escape Soviet Union troops and were captured and taken to katyn forced to dig massive hole which became mass grave 20-30 thousand killed
FDR’s opinion
Support for Britain
Neutrality acts
1935-embargo on weapons and military supplies to biligerent nations
1936- no loans to biligerents
1937- “cash and carry” no military
1939- allows cash and carry military goods to allies
Interventionists v. Isolations
Inter-wanted to help and end it-FDR
Isol-stay out of it-congres
Charles Lindberg
First male solo nonstop flight across Atlantic
America first campaign
Selective service act
1940 peacetime draft
US planning
War not yet declared
Land lease act
1941- Britain only standing ally scared FDR allowed him to lend lease or dispose of weapons and equipment to country whose defense is vital to us
Four freedoms speech
All of Europe falls in less than 10 months invaded Soviet Union went up to Finland Estonia Latvia and Lithuania
British soldiers evacuated to Britain to reorganize-last ally standing
Battle of Britain
Operation sea lion- London blitz-constant bombing at night
Luftwaffe wanted to take out RAF, infrastructure, and terrorize people
Churchill during London blitz
“This was their finest hour”
“Never surrender” ended his talks like this like FDR’s fireside chats
Operation Barbarossa
USSR- strengths:land and large pop
Weaknesses:leadership-Stalin did great purge Russians pulled Germans in and used scorch earth policy many died from cold and no resources
Germans fought block by block to Moscow but hitler called them back bc they would lose 2 million in the invasion died
Atlantic charter
FDR and Churchill met in Atlantic for first attempt at postwar planning decided in collective security (replace League of Nations), disarmament, self-determination(no empire), economic cooperation, freedom of seas
Undeclared naval warfare bc…
German uboats fired on US destroyer in Atlantic
Merchant ship-pink star- off Greenland was shot and sunk
Another destroyer shot around 100 killed
War in North Africa
Fighting bc colonies
British wanted to keep Suez Canal to transport stuff and Gibraltar bc connected Atlantic to Mediterranean
General Rommel
Troops-Afrika korp-lot of success until US
Known as desert fox-hard to capture
General Bernard Montgomery
British general known as Monty
Support for Stalin
FDR felt lend lease act also went to Soviet Union scared bc communist but finally said yes
German wolf pacts v. US convoy
FDR said shoot on sight
Tripartite pact
Japan signed and joined axis powers originally china and indochina(Vietnam) which was British and French colonies who didn’t know colonies were being attacked and were angered by embargo
Emperor of Japan negotiated with general but those broke down
Tojo who was responsible for Pearl Harbor- may not have known about it
Lined aircraft carriers in pacific sent warning to Washington saying Japan would declare war in Us and they were preparing an attaj destroyer almost hit sub sent message back but didn’t do anything
Around 2400 killed on USS Arizona greatest loss in ship
About 40 or 50 planes attacked
Aftermath- US declared war
Germany and Italy declared war on US then vise versa
War production board
Told US how to get ready
Civilian to wartime industry
War labor board
Found workers for employees and helped employers have good workplace wages and shiftwork making businesses as efficient as possible
Office of war information
Get America on board and support for war Propaganda was about revenge Also used bonds Sent pamphlets on how to spot "japs" Scrap drive-cans for ammo Victory gardens
Rationing goods
Required in WWII given ration books with coupons had to take them and Id to buy stuff like sugar butter meat coffee oil petroleum shoes rubber and bylon
Coca cola
Owner felt army could use drink bc caffeine and cocaine gave soldiers energy and suppressed hunger also became international
Rickey gum
Felt chewing gum released stress and helped boredom
Sent in each ration box
Lucky strike cigarettes
Packaged in red for US
Soldiers got them free bc suppressed hunger, relieved stress, and fought boredom
Women unworn force
WAVES navy WAC army corp WASP air force
Rosie the riveter in industry
African Americans
Segregated troops
double v campaign- wanted victory abroad and back home
Japanese internment
Executive order 9066: Japanese detained and held in concentration camps for duration of war
Koremarsu v. US
Challenged govt rights to detains Japanese- sc said relocation of Japanese would be upheld as long as it was a military necessity
Mexican Americans
Ca and west coast wore zoom suits and didn’t show as much pride sailors beat some of them and police watched before arresting them
Native American
Navajo that spoke english and navajo used in army to help with codes
North Africa front
Operation torch general Eisenhower and Patton battle of El Alamein was rommels last try failed an Africa was back to us
Italian campaign
FDR Churchill and commanders met in Casablanca and decided to only accept unconditional surrender
Soft underbelly
Went up through Italy but first Sicily- turned in Mussolini who was stripped if power and arrested until hitler freed him but found in trunk and shot before being hung in st.
Operation overlord
D-day Normandy pushed to June 6th- crossed English Channel plan was double impact(paratroopers and land) took beaches biggest Omaha and Germans retreated
Reclaimed by Eisenhower and Patton with little resistances then went through Belgium Netherlands and Luxembourg
Soviet Union
Followed Germans from east and pushed them back so they were sandwiche
Dec.-jan. battle of the bulge
Hitlers last effort pushed US back before it turned an hitler ran and left army in mass confusion
Death camps
Found by Soviet Union and slowed their way to Germany-liberated the camps and Germans started mass extermination
US march in Germany
Also came across death camps left some soldiers and the rest marched on
Elbe river
Meeting place with Soviet Union on April 25 1945-
VE Day
Official end of war- may 8, 1945
Death of FDR
April 12- had a stroke and never recovered- Harry Truman new Vp was sworn into office
Hitlers death
After marrying Eva Braun took cyanide pulls and shot himself telling soldiers to burn the building and then kill themselves
Death camps
Part of main kempf- persecuted gypsies Slavs pols and Jews and others kristallnacht- night of broken glass