Industry and a Changing Society Flashcards
Captains of industry were also called
Entrepenuers, magnates, or robber barons
Major industrial cities
Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Cleveland, buffalo, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, boston
What years had big increases in population?
What changed along with the labor force?
Urban living grew
What years had the largest immigrant wave?
Why did income increase in 1870?
The war was over causing a spike as jobs were back
Why was the percentage of farmers less in 1900?
The total number of workers went up however the percent of farmers went down as more factories were open for workers
Why did the Chinese immigration plummet after 1882?
Chinese exclusion act of 1882
What are the three waves of immigration?
Colonial, old immigration(western Europe), new immigration(eastern Europe)
Why was there a drop in immigration from Europe in 1895?
Panic of 1873 in U. S. meant people were suffering and others didnt want to come
Henry Cabot Lodge
Against immigration-felt the immigrants were low and illiterate ideas were the same as factory workers-they were just taking jobs others from here could have
Grover Cleveland
Felt immigrants were stupid hence they couldn’t cause problems they just wanted to do their job and give themselves a new life
Doesn’t want them literate lest they decide to think of rebelling
Mark twain
Called 1800s the gilded age it’s “plated” only seems golden
Social Darwinism
Work hard in hopes of being one of the few to succeed/only way to survive is to work hard
Self made wealth
The few that worked hard and rose to “riches from rags”
Captains of industry
Carnegie(Carnegie steel) Rockefeller(standard oil)-r. b. Vanderbilt(railroads) Morgan(banking-->US Steel) Ford(ford motor company)
Conspicuous consumption
Buying ostentatious items to show off wealth-massive homes
Carnegie became philanthropist-donated half his wealth to community to better it(Carnegie hall,libraries)-encouraged others and wrote gospel if lover telling what wealthy to do
Others contributions to philanthropy
Vanderbilt made university to educate people
Rockefeller did nothing his family did invest in entertainment but not in anything to better the community
Machine age
Second Industrial Age-machines were getting bigger, factories were taking over towns
Factory town
Allowed cities to grow, machines faster and better and workers could be unskilled
Natural resources
Oil-made things run
Iron-made things-Bessemer
Henry Bessemer
Converted iron to steel allowing cities to built up not out and industry took off
Corporation controls different companies unrelated from one another
Horizontal integration
Selling similar products to different markets
Vertical integration
Controls all aspects of a product-manufacturing, distribution, sell
Rise of immigration a
Europeans–> Ellis island
Chinese–> angel island
What did immigration lead to?
Nativist feelings-oppose anyone not native born
US wasn’t handling it well
2 theories of immigration
Melting pot and salad bowl
Urban poor
Immigrants forced to live in slums to be near work
Mass transit
Started with horse car-bad(poop everywhere) San Francisco did cable car in 1873 and in 1878 the trolley was made
Problems in cities
Tenements-overcrowded and no ventilation=disease(biggest killer was tuberculosis)
Sanitation issues
Crime-biggest- kids had nothing to do and needed money
Political machine
Corrupt political group-targeted poor with bribery of a job for a vote
Leader was party boss and stayed in power for while
Biggest party boss
William march tweed(boss tweed)- Tammany hall was political machine-controlled NYC until arrested-controlled 60 thousands jobs in documents
Big corrupt cities
Chicago was the most in 1920s New Orleans was also big
Social gospel
Spreading word by good deed
Examples if social Gospel
YMCA and YWCA—> food bed shower and recreation
Salvation Army–>emergency services
Jane Addams
Wanted to do more founded Hull House-settlement house- place for people to become literate and speak the language along with food bed shower and job training to learn a craft
Comstock laws
Restricted prostitution, pornography, gambling, and blue label laws-meant to stop social evils
Blue labels laws
Restricted sale and consumption of liquor (on Sunday)
Assassination (1881) of pres. Garfield
Man was passed over for a job because of spoils system and shot Garfield because of his anger
Pendleton civil service act
Civil service established-awarded govt. jobs based on merit-had to pass test=got rid of spoils system
Sherman anti-trust act
To stop trusts in 1890 since Rockefeller was first billionaire for nothing–> not enforced for 10 years
Alexander graham bell
Invented the telephone with Thomas Watson in 1876 which did away with the telegraph=simpler communication
George Pullman
Built factory to manufacture sleepers and other railroad cars
Interstate commerce act
Reesrablished the right of the fed govt. to supervise railroad activities and established interstate commerce commission-regulated trade between states
Collective bargaining
Negotiation between representative of labor and management
Knights of labor
1869- open to all workers didnt want to be aggressive and didnt use strikes–> too passive
Platform if populist
Graduated income tax, election of US senators by popular vote, single terms for pres. and vp., secret ballot to end vote fraud, and economic reforms to produce a rise in prices
American federation of labor (afl)
Wanted higher wages, shorter hours, and better safer conditions–> pushed for strikes(became popular way to demand change)
Great railroad strike of 1877
First large organized group-wages were cut and workers went on strike shutting down the 50,000 miles of track use for travel and trade–> Hayes sent army to remove them
Haymarket square riot
Chicago, IL1886–> people protesting someone threw bomb at police causing them to shoot-killed 7 and injured 79
Homestead strike
Carnegie steel plant-PA-1892
Carnegie was in collective bargaining wasn’t going well an left–> strike=hired strikebreaker aka scabs to keep production and pinkertons for security-went violent
Pullman boycott
Pullman was factory town in IL Pullman raised rent cost but not wages angering people
Eugene Debs
Head of American railway union and organized boycott against Pullman-anyone in union couldn’t work or service a train with a Pullman sleeper-> stopped travel
Later becomes leader of socialist American party
Result of Pullman boycott
Fed. Govt. stepped in and arrested debs and workers were force to work or be replaced
Thomas Edison
System of electricity allowed worker to work longer and factories could be away from water