World War I Flashcards
Original name of WWI
The great war
One or both sides kill everything to try and force the other side to surrender
Four MAIN causes
Militarism(arms race/military state)
Alliances(triple alliance v. Triple entente)
Imperialism(building empire)
Nationalism(pride in culture,ect)
Triple alliance
Central powers:
German empire
Ottoman Empire
Triple entente
The “spark”
Assassination of the archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in Sarajevo
Result of assassination of archduke Ferdinand
Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia which was allied with Russia which was backed by France and Britain while Austria-Hungary was backed by Germany
Trench warfare
Not straight built by soldiers eat infested no mans land lived in water and disease as they couldn’t leave trenches
Springfield rifle
Machine guns
Way to get across no mans land-would get stuck
First weapon produced by british
New not reliable first for reconesince later in dog fights and caused machine gun to be placed in back of plane
Flying aces
Eddie rickenbacher-US
Manfred Von rictoffen “red baron”-Germany
German- Quiet blimps used for reconnescence
Caught fire or were shot down
Dropped bombs over Britain-demoralizing
German ha sonar to tell when ship was above them an would torpedo them was restricted then unrestricted-cause for US joining war
Chemical warfare
Didn’t have gas masks-used ammonia rag
Chlorine-didnt smell, green gas-lethal caused suffocation
Mustard gas-blistering agent-shut down body
German-unpredictable used to clear out trenches-had to get close to enemy and how tank didn’t blow up
Western front
Trench warfare-great Britain and France
Eastern front
Lasts almost two years
Battle from feb. to dec. 1916 longest battle in WWI
800,000 men died
Major battle from July to dec. 1916
River in France-Brit. Tried to distract Germans from fighting in north but failed
US neutrality
Thought/expected sea to be neutral
Traded with both sides
Naval blockade
British navy blocked English canal and US did nothing to support britain
German submarines
May 7, 1915
Ship with 180ish Americans shot down by uboat
US became anti-German
Election of 1916
Wilson is elected
“Peace with honor”
Zimmerman telegram
Sent to American government and press and published it declared unrestricted submarine warfare and offered alliance with Mexico if war with US starts
Declaration of war
Wilson asked congress for war on April 6, 1917
Reason:war would make democracy safe
Convoy system
Safety in numbers
Selective service act
1917 Draft for men 21-30 Blacks required Open to whites Troop segregated wanted 2 million
John Pershing
“Black Jack”- recruitant
American expeditionary force
Trains men 8 weeks before sending them to europe
Committee on public information
Told everyone central powers were bad and used propaganda to get everyone in board
Used to convince people of sometimes using guilt or calling on loyalty or integrity
War industries board
Told industry what to make and what not to make
Good administration
Convinced people to voluntarily ration food-called traitor if you wasted food that could have gone to soldiers
Herbert Hoover
Instituted days of going without certain foods-meat sugar wheat and what you would have use was sent to soldiers
Convinced school to have gardens in exchange for money
Fuel administration
Saved coal and gas-gas less days
Daylight savings time-reduced time factories were open to reserve fuel
War financing bonds
Sent money directly to war
More bought bc of propaganda
Eugene debs
Head of socialist party- Convinced people to not go to drafts held rallies before being imprisoned
Charles schenk
Wrote letters saying draft was unconstitutional and when imprisoned fought it
Schenk v. U. S.
191& used freedom if speech but Supreme Court ruled that during war if he is endangering the nation-fighting the draft- he could be imprisoned –>was not released
Espionage Act
1917 if you helped the enemy even by stopping recruitment you were tried of espionage and received 10 years in prison
Sedition act
1918 treason if you spoke against the country flag or soldiers you were charged with sedition and received 10 years in prison and $10,000
Great migration
African americans moved from plains to northeast to full factory positions
Filled men’s jobs so fought for suffrage r
19th amendment
Women’s suffrage in 1920
Nov. 11,1918 11 am
Ceased fire
Paris peace conference
Big 4 met in palace of Versailles and made treaty of Versailles
Treaty of Versailles
Changed map ending empires
Punished Germany
Big 4
US-pres. Wilson
Great Britain-David Lloyd George
France- Clemenceau
Italy- vittorio Orlando
Change of German empire
West lost Rhineland and Alsace-Lorraine
East lost some which went to Poland
South lost some to Czechoslovakia
Austria Hungary empire
Became Austria Hungary Yugoslavia and part of Czechoslovakia
Collapse of Ottoman Empire
Became turkey Syria Jordan Palestine Lebanon and Jordan-protecterats were Britain and France
Russian revolution
Reason left war- Tsar Nicholas was overthrown by Vladimir Lenin and Bolsheviks-became communist Soviet Union
Change of Russia map
5 countries out of part
Finland Estonia Latvia Lithuania an Poland
Wilson’s 14 points
All but last shot down-one Wilson fought for-league of nationa
League of Nations
Way for peace-for all nations to be able to talk through conflict Congress refused to join even after Wilson died while fighting for it
People in congress not completely opposed to treaty of Versailles
Opposed to treaty in any way bc of League of Nations