The Roaring Twenties Flashcards
Election of 1920
Warren Harding won
Warren Harding
Republican heavy partier used good propaganda
Return to normalcy
Recovering for war/fear communism coming to US
Red scare
Red scare
First Communism was feared KKK was revived Nativism WASP-white Anglo-Saxon protestant
Restrictions on immigration-Chinese exclusion act
Gentlemen’s Agreement
1907 Japanese laborers came to American there were oriental schools for Asians but they didn’t like them
Limited amount of laborers coming to US
Origins act 1921
No more than 3% of nationality can come to US based on census of 1910
National origins quota act
1924 lowered number to 2% and based it on 1890 census
Updated quota
1929 no more than 150,000 of each nationality
Banned Asian immigration
Scandal in harding’s cabinet
Teapot done scandal in Wyoming
Teapot Dome Scandal
Albert Fall leased land to private company and closed it to other companies
Found guilty of accepting bribes
Albert Fall
Secretary of interior cabinet
Responsible for all federal land
Harding’s death
1923 died of heart attack
Calvin Coolidge took over
Calvin Coolidge
“Silent Cal” known for being quiet yet having integrity
Laissez-faire economics
Hands off-let economy do its own thing
3 presidents-Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover
Henry ford
Made model t car
Installment plan
Pay directly to person
Model T
Tin lizzy
Affordable-installment plan, quick, not hand crafted, used assembly line then conveyor belt
Automobile culture
Oil, rubber, steel, and glass industries took off
Roads were being built
Gas stations, vacations, and travel grew
Became transportation after seeing they would stay in the air during WWI
Wright brothers first only was in air for few second
Consumer culture
Branding and chains grew
All could experience products-began to be for convenience especially for housewives-ice box, ovens(electric), washing machine, sewing machine, telephone, iron, vacuum
Originally were long lists about the item
Changed to focus on insecuritieslike status or being single
18th amendment ratified in 1919
Producers or distributors of alcohol
Code names for alcohol
Moonshine, hooch, giggle water, happy juice
Illegal underground saloons
Low profile until a 20s became suppliers for prohibition led to ride in crime
Repeal of prohibition
1933 21st amendment repealed prohibition as it obviously failed
It was FDR’s platform
Many were young in their 20s didn’t want to get married wanted to be independent and liberated
Did opposite of the “norm”
Double standard
Casual dating-started to not just marry who they grew up with
Boys-“good job”
More finished high school then went to a trade school
Scopes “monkey” trial
John scopes teacher in TN teaching about evolution which was illegal as it was against fundamentalists
Clarence sorrow was lawyer and was against Williams Jennings bryan(cross of gold) was found guilty and couldn’t teach in TN
Takes bible as literal
Started in Hollywood
1st hub of movie making-silent films
Started in New Orleans-AA culture-improvised
Lewis Armstrong
“Jazz age” coined by by f. Scott Fitzgerald
Had advertisements 1st was about soap
Lost generation
Modeled after earnest Hemingway most writers left America nf went to Europe mostly Paris as they felt disillusioned in america
Became ex-patriot
Marcus Garvey
Didn’t like how blacks were disrespected when they came back so they left-movement to Africa
Deported to Jamaica for mail fraud
Universal Negro Improvement Association
Harlem Renaissance
B/c great migration jobs were taken and large # of blacks were in north w/o jobs-many started to write
Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes(inspiration), Countee Cullen-black pride writings
Over reliance of industry
Big 3acar industry, construction, products-ran economy