WW1 - The home front Flashcards
how did it become total war
battles turned into battles of attrition and needed to pour all resources into the war effort
all aspects of the economy industry and society
Sam Hughes
minister of defence 1911-1916
put in charge of canadian war effort and outfitting the canadian expeditionary force
needed to train small militia of 3000 for service in flanders and recruit more troops to meet borden’s promise of 500000
valcartier and hugh
hugh set up massive training camp at valcartier quebec three weeks after war started
men encouraged to sign up with pals
instruction only in english and valcartier was not very hospitable
The ross rifle
good target rifle and hunting gun hughes decided to use it in flanders proved useless in wet conditions incomparable with british ammunition hughes fired in 1916 for giving contracts to friends
women in factory
as the men go to war women are recruited to work in factories
all resources going to war every day goods were rationed
meatless monday
war bonds
to help pay cost of war government pushes sale of government bonds
invest then get money back after the war
war profiteering
1916 scandal breaks out as gov accused of awarding munitions contracts via patronage
sam hughes is involved
income tax
tax on wages to temporarily offset cost of war
War Measures Act
enemy aliens
500000 german hungarian austrian residents citizens subject to arbitrary arrest and search
gov bans publications in enemy languages to control spin of war
new berlin becomes kitchener ontario
all nations use this to swat public opinion
Wartime Elections act
federal votes granted to mother sister and wives of soldiers in the forces
Halifax explosion
dec 6 1917
french merchant ship mont blanc loaded with munitions explodes
2000 dead 9000 wounded
conscription crisis
1916 borden struggles to replace loses on western front
80000 troops needed per year to maintain commitments
borden promises 500000 more men unrealistic
to meet commitment he proposes conscription
this further divides nationalists and imperialists
conscription targeted franciphones
Why did volunteer levels drop
eager men had already joined
plenty of work in war industry
stories from front
growing nationalism
Military service bill
military service compulsory for all men 20-35
exempt war industry workers, sick conscientious objectors
jan 1 1918 coalition gov lib and con begin to enforce this bill
april 1 1918 easter riots quebec city 4 shot dead
The great irony
no conscripted troops every fought in europe
To win next election what does borden do
make military voters act- overseas men fighting can vote
make 1917 wartime elections act- enemy aliens lose right to vote
wives sisters and mothers of soldiers can vote
reason: if you or loved one is at war you want conscription to assist them