interwar - canadian growth Flashcards
1918 spanish flu
30000-50000 canadians killed by “the silent enemy” (20 million minimum world wide)
in response canada establishes a department of health
prohibition 1915-1920s
the womens christian temperance union successfully lobbies the government to ban the sale of alcohol
the government used the war measures act to stop the sales but in 1919 ;provinces began to lift the ban as the WMA was no longer in effect
1916 the allied tribes
1916 allied tribes of british columbia was founded with the goal of negotiating outstanding land claims
Bill 14
calls for the enfranchisement of all aboriginal war veterans
right to vote
1930 government reaction to aboriginal tribe movement
government stifles(smothers) it
1920 sees what of aboriginal children
mandatory attendance aged 7-15 passed into law
1934 dionne quintuplets
the ontario government takes control of the childrens welfare
the state care is deemed the best care
the children rarely see their family but do generate a significant tourist trade
the national debate that arises out of the incident is what role should the government play in a persons daily life
they were put behind glass on display
1926 the pension act
$240 a year for british subjects that are over 70 years old and having lived in canada for at least 20 years
means tests + income of over $365 a year = inelligable
an immigrant could not make this
Art Flourishing
the group of seven begin applying modern artistic techniques while painting the canadian landscape
emily carr was a member
emily carr and art
she explored the wilds of the west coast and follows the break of traditional realist landscape paintings
Canadina broadcasting cooperation 1929
created to ensure a canadian content in infancy of radio
saturday night hockey night
to counteract american influence
Foster hewitt
emerges as the voice of hockey night in canada and coins the line
he shoots he scores
Immigration 1915-1925
400,000 canadians leave for europe and the US
for economic reasons
Pier 21
in halifax becomes the main port of entry for europeans to head to the prairies customs officers overwhelmed anglicized names last names were changed or lost
Canadian unions political ideologies
the worlds first communist state(USSR 1917) gave canadian unions a new appeal as workers became infected by communist ideology
governments all over the world began clamping down on union organizations
1919 radical leaders wanted to creat
one big union (OBU)
the OBU demanded what
better wages
legal recognition of the union
a six hour workday and a five day work week
a repeal of government restrictions on labour origination(unions)
by 1920 the OBU had 50,000 members
winnipeg strike city council vote
1918 the winnipeg city council votes to outlaw the right to strike for civic employees
employees walk of the job and the council back down
strike was illegal at the time
the winnipeg general strike 1919
bloody sunday
a small grievance over wages in the winnipeg metal workers boils over into a general strike
winnipeg is shut down as 30,000 workers join in a general strike to show solidarity
telephone operators walk off first
soldiers returned home to what?
no jobs
many were unemployed
the government reaction to winnipeg general strike
the federal and provincial government as well as the business community saw this as the lead up to a communist revolution
Bloody saturday june 21 1919
angry strikers and ex-servicemen gather in winnipeg to protest the governments strong arm treatments of unions
a police horse falls and it was thought to be shot - police open fire on the crowd - it turns into a riot
police fire into the crowd killing 2 people and injuring 20
they turn over a tram that was driving near the crowd
by nightfall the strike was over and workers return to work
strikers who were arrested did NOT get a trial
Strikes developing in Canada
although strikes would continue in canada, the government saw the need to negotiate with the individual unions to avoid general strikes
canada would continue to use strikebreakers to intimidate unions into the 1960s