Written past questions 1 Flashcards
Which lymph nodes can you feel in rectal examination of a horse?
Mesenteric lns (only if enlarged), cecal ln.
What recess can you find at acute margin of the lung?
Recessus costodiaphragmaticus
What are the puncta maxima of the heart?
spp - Pulm.tr. - Aorta - LAV - RAV (i.c.)
Eq: 3 (mid D/3) - 4 (5 cm below shoulder) - 4-5 (D/3) - 3-4 (D/5)
Ru: 2-3 (D/3) - 3-4 (2 cm below shoulder) - 4 (D/3) - 3 (D/3)
Ca: 3 (above sternum) - 4 (shoulder level) - 5 (D/3) - 4 (D/3)
Where can you find the cardiac dullness of Ru on the right side?
No cardiac dullness. Heart of Ru is covered by lungs on the right side.
What urogenital lig. can be used for orientation during rectal examination of Eq.?
Lig. renolienalis
What diverticulum can you feel in rectal examination of Ru?
Sub-urethral diverticulum
Which male accessory gland is found around the neck of the bladder of dog?
Name the lymph node found ventral to paralumbar fossa in horse?
Subiliac ln.
Which ln. is found in front of the scapula?
Supf. cervical ln.
What are the injection sites for common/profound peroneal n. in Eq and ca?
- Eq: common peroneal: 12-15 cm prox to calcanean tub. in bw. long and lateral digital extensors (nerve can not be palpated at injection point!)
- Dog: distally in mid way bw. hock and stifle, in the groove bw. long digital extensor and peroneus longus (deep peroneal n.). Second option: block nerve
where it is palpable at proximal-lateral fibular head (common peroneal n.).
What is the lateral point of injection into the stifle?
Eq + dog: at recess of extensor groove (next to tendon of long digital extensor)
Does the perineum cover the cervix?
On which direction run the last limb of duodenum in horse?
Short ascending duodenum run cranially from R to L till the duodenojejunal flexure
Where is the dilatation of the colon in the horse located?
“Ampula coli” – right dorsal colon (invested within the costal cage)
Efferent nerve of pupillary reflex?
Occulomotor n. (III)
What are auscultation / percussion?
- Auscultation: listening, either directly or through a stethoscope, to sounds within the body.
- Percussion: tapping on surface of part of the body to detect its resonance.
Which sound is the first heart sound?
Systolic (closure of the cuspid valves)
Which sound is the second heart sound?
Diastolic (closure of semilunar valves)
In which spp. is the stomach is in contact with the wall?
Only in Ru
When can’t you hear the heart sound?
During inspiration
Which spp. have suburethral diverticulum?
Ru. + Su
Where is the esophagus placed in the upper neck?
Cervical part - dorsal to trachea and shifts to left on its way to thoracic part.
How many opening of mammary glands in Mare/Cow/Bitch/Cat/Sow/Ov/Cap?
Total - thor - abd - ing - openings in each teat
- Mare: 2 - 0 - 0 - 2 - 2
- Cow: 4 - 0 - 0 - 4 - 1
- Bitch: 10 - 4 - 4 - 2 - (8-12)
- Cat: 8 - 4 - 2 - 2 - (4-5)
- Sow: 14 - 4 - 6 - 4 - 2
- Ov/Cap: 2 - 0 - 0 - 2 - 1
Name the patellar ligaments in cattle?
Medial, middle, lateral
Dental formula of dog?
Dental formula of Eq?
Dental formula of Ru?
Dental formula of Su?
What is the best place to check pulse in cattle?
Coccygeal artery (but also facial and palmar arteries)
Ribs number in the different spp?
Ca-13, Eq-18, Ru-13, Su-14
Which nerves are anesthetized when dehorning?
Cornual n. (branch of lacrimal – ophthalmic – trigeminal) + C1-C2 (cervical nn.) + N.auricularis caudalis
What is the direction of the hilus of L Kidney in Ru?
Pulse taking from MT?
From dorsal aspect (cranial tibial artery)
Where is the gall bladder of the dog located?
On the R to median plane, bw. quadrate and R medial lobes of liver
Which is the most cranial sound of the heart?
Pulmonary valve
Motor innervetion of tongue?
Hypoglossal n.
Which nerves supply the skin of head in Eq?
Trigeminal: supraorbital (v1), infraorbital (v2), mental (v3), infratrochlear (+truncus facialis), auriculo-temporal (v3)
Direction of the left ventral colon?
Does the frontal sinus of Ru communicate with the maxillary sinus?
Which sinus extends into the horns?
Frontal sinus
Which nerve is not blocked during palmar digital block?
Dorsal ramus.
Facial n. is responsible for?
Mimics and facial expression + skin
Can the stomach of dog border with the abdominal wall?
Sometimes (when full)
Which kidney is palpable in rectal examination of Eq?
Left kidney
Which lameness indicates joints degeneration?
Supportive leg lameness (warm up pain)
Which lameness indicates muscles, tendons, ligaments disorder?
Swinging leg lameness
Do lateral and medial compartments of Eq stifle joint communicate?
No (only in the dog)
Which lig. is attached to joint capsule of the stifle?
Medial collateral lig.
Injection point to peronal n. in Eq?
12-15 cm proximal to calcaneus, bw. lat. and long digital extensors (nerve not palpable)
How to check bone spavin?
Hind limb conformation or hyperextension of the metacarpo/tarsophalangeal joints. Passive flexion of the joint and accentuation of lameness following flexion.
Lung borders of Eq/dog?
Level of: Vc Tc Ti Sh Eq: 17 16 14 9 Ru: 12 11 - 8 Ca: 12 11 10 8 Su: 13 12 9 7
Intravenous injection site of Eq and dog?
- Eq: jugular vein (cephalic?)
- Dog: jugular, saphenous, cephalic veins
Viborg’s triangle borders (area of guttural pouch drainage)?
Linguofacial vein, caudal border of mandible, tendon of sternomandibularis
Which are the nerves of palpebrae?
- Afferent – trigeminal (ophthalmic)
- Efferent - facial
Where is the attachment of greater omentum of Ru?
Sulcus longitudinalis
Where is the cecum of Eq located?
Right side
Which heart wall is most cranial?
Right wall (auricular)
Pulse taking in Eq/Ca/Ru?
Eq – facial artery
Ca – femoral artery
Ru – coccygeal artery
Which structures lie in the incisura vasorum facialum?
Facial vein and artery, parotid duct
Sinus system of Ru?
- Maxillary sinus communicates lacrimal sinus
- Ethmoidal sinus comunicates sphenoid + frontal
- Palatine sinus
Spleen location in Ca/Eq/Ru/poultry?
- Dog: Left abdominal wall, emerge behind costal cartilage (10-13 ribs)
- Eq: 11-17 i.c. on dorsal left, can emerge out of ribs cage when stomach is full (10-18 ribs)
- Ru: 7/8-13 rib
- Poultry: left side
Which nerve supply nostrils?
Maxillary n. – (infraorbital), ophthalmic n. (nasociliare)
Which mesentery is related to a kidney?
Sensory nerves of tongue?
Glossophryngeal (IX), Facial (VII), Mandibular – lingual n. (V3)
Position of the descending duodenum?
Right side
Position of the reticulum?
Left ventral abdominal wall, 7-9 i.c space.