Injections/nerve blocks Flashcards
Eq injection: Coffinjoint
- Dorsal: 1-2cm prox. to coronary band. Needle penetrates EDC tendon. Insert from a vertical position and directed distally.
- Palmar: into the navicular bursa
- Synovia may escape, or you can aspirate it. If so, you are in the right place.
- Blocks entire coffin joint, and navicular bursa by diffusion
Eq injection: Fetlockjoint
1.Palmar/plantarrecesses:(better) recessis located prox. topSB and dist. to the lat. splintbone, bw. cannon bone and suspensorylig. (itisbetteriftheanimalstandsfully→increasesthewidthofthejointcapsule).
2.Dorsal recess:theneedle is insertedinobliquemanner undertheEDC tendon.
Eq injection: Pastern joint
- Dorsal: 1-2 cm prox. to joint. Needle is inserted lat. to CDE, 1.5cm below lat. eminence of dist. aspect of Ph1.
- Palmar: Needle is inserted prox. to transverse prominence on the palmar aspect of Ph2, under DDF tendon.
Eq injection: Carpus
- Radiocarpal joint: injected dorsally, with the carpus flexed. Palpated as an indentation on medial or lateral side of ECR tendon. Needle directed straight into indentation, about 2cm dist. to the V created by ECU and EDL.
- Intercarpal joint: Capsule found about 3cm dist. to radiocarpal joint on the palmar lat. surface. Carpus flexed and indentation medial or lateral side of ECR tendon. The needle is directed straight into the indentation.
- Lateral approach: palpate notch created by the ECU tendon and LDE tendon. Insert the needle into small depressions immediately distal to this notch. Can be performed with horse standing on limb.
Eq injection: Elbow joint
- Needle is inserted cran. to the lat.collat.lig.
2. Needle is inserted bw. lat.epicondyle and olecranon.
Eq injection: Shoulder joint
- Needle is inserted in a caudodors. direction bw. the cran and cau portion of greater tubercle (cran. to tendon of infraspinatus)
- Needle is inserted in a craniodors. direction, 8cm dist. and 9cm cau. to the cran. portion of greater tubercle.
Eq injection: Low 4 point Nerve Block
- R.pulvinus: Bulb at heel. Prox. margin of hoof cartilage.
- R.palmaris: halfway bw the coronary band and fetlock joint (Ø blocking of R.dors)
- N.palmaris: inject at the dist. end of pSB
- N.digitalis palmaris: bw DDF tendon and susp.lig., halfway up length of MC3
- Blocks DDF/SDF tendon up to level of block; insertion/branches of suspensory ligament
Eq injection: 6 point Nerve Block
Lateral and medial plantar nerves, and lateral and medial metatarsal nerves: these are blocked identical to the 4-point block in FL.
-Dorsal Metatarsal nerves innervate dorsal surface,
therefore an additional subcutaneous ring block is directed dorsally.
-Blocks fetlock joint and all structures below; DDF/SDF tendon up to level of block; insertion/branches of susp.lig.
Eq injection: Proximal MC/MT
-High 4 point block: block palmar nerves bw DDF tendon and susp.lig., and block palmar MC nerves axial to splint
bone and abaxial to susp.lig.
-Local infiltration of susp.lig: directly infiltrate along axial aspect of splint bones, directly next to susp.lig.
-Lateral palmar: anaesthetise the lateral palmar nerve as it courses along the medial aspect of acc. carpal bone.
-Blocks all structures distal to the carpus, including the prox. susp.lig.
Eq injection: Median Nerve Block
5cm distal to elbow joint, on the medial aspect of the
limb. The needle is walked off the caudal aspect of the radius.
Eq injection: Ulnar Nerve Block
10cm proximal to acc. carpal bone, bw FCU and ECU
Eq injection: Fibular Nerve Block
- Deep and Superficial Fibular Nerve
- Lateral aspect of limb
- 10cm prox. to the point of the hock, in a groove created by the Long and Lateral Digital Extensor muscles.
- Blocks entire limb from distal tibia down, including tarsus
Eq injection: Tibial Nerve Block
- 10cm proximal to Calcaneous, bw DDF and SDF tendon
- (nerve lies closer to medial aspect of the limb)
- Blocks entire limb from distal tibia down, including tarsus
Eq injection: Tarsus
- Tibio-Tarsal/Tarso-Crural join: Approached on the dorso-medial aspect of the hock, where the joint pouch is easily palpated. The needle is inserted directly inwards. Can inject the medial or lateral plantar pouch of Tibio-Tarsal joint.
- Distal Intertarsal joint: medial aspect. Needle inserted into small, T-shaped gap formed by the junction of T3 and TC. The gap is immediately distal to the Cunean tendon.
- Tarsal-metatarsal joint: plantar-lateral aspect. Needle is inserted immediately above the head of the lateral splint bone. Needle is angled in a dorsal-medial and distal direction.
Eq injection: Stifle Joint Block
- Medial Femoral-Tibial: needle inserted bw med.patellar lig. and med.collateral lig., prox. to the tibial tuberosity.
- Femoral-Patellar:
- Cran. approach: needle inserted bw medial and intermediate patellar lig, 4cm prox to the tibial tuberosity. Needle angled upwards, towards supra-patellar recess.
- Lat.approach: needle is inserted 6cm above the lat. tibial condyle, behind the caudal edge of lat.patellar lig. - Lateral Femoral-Tibial: (into extensor recess) Needle is inserted caudal to lat.collat.lig, just prox. to tibia. Bw. lat.patellar.lig. and EDL.