Writing Assignment: Module 12 Flashcards
What is a business crisis?
significant business disruption with a direct impact on the lives, health, and welfare of an organization and its employees
What is crisis management?
the set of actions taken by an organization in response to an emergency situation in an effort to minimize injury or loss of life
How are crises related to incidents and disasters?
The critical difference between crises and incidents/disasters is that a crisis includes potential impact to employees’ lives
What is a sudden crisis? How is it different from a smoldering crisis?
occurs when an organization’s operations are disrupted without warning. It is an event that has a high probability of drawing news coverage and could cause problems for stakeholders, including employees, investors, customers, and suppliers.
is a problem or situation that is not generally known inside or outside the organization. If or when it is revealed, it may generate unfavorable news coverage and cause unanticipated expenses or penalties.
What is emergency response?
actions taken in order to manage the immediate physical, health, and environmental impacts resulting from an incident.
What is crisis communications?
steps taken to communicate what is happening or has happened to internal and external audiences.
What is humanitarian assistance?
actions taken to meet the psychological and emotional needs of various stakeholders
List the general CM recommended practices.
Build contingency plans, identify teams, train staff, and rehearse scenarios before a crisis occurs.
Verify that all staff members throughout the organization know that only designated crisis management team members may represent the company.
Plan to react as fast as possible because the first few hours establish the baseline narrative that the media will use for most ongoing reporting.
Make sure your plan processes are of the highest quality by employing expert reviews and professional crisis management consultants.
Make it part of your organizational culture to always give the most complete and accurate information possible in a given situations, because manipulating the factsoften has negative consequences-far worse than the embarrassment or whatever the reason was for a cover-up.
As choices are considered, adopt the long view and consider long-term effects as well as the short-term losses that may occur.
What is the CM planning committee, and how does it differ from the CM team?
responsible for some critical tasks when preparing to plan. Among these are the gathering of information about existing vulnerabilities, analyzing the current state of systems and network vulnerabilities, collecting current plans, and assessing those plans as to how they impact the anticipated crisis plans. In addition, they must lay out the comprehensive future plans that are intended to supplant what is now in place.
Who should be on the CM planning committee? Who should be on the CM team?
The CM planning team should include a broad representation from the various parts of the organization that will be most impacted by the plans when they are put into effect. It should also include sufficient management representation so there is a champion who is able to accomplish the necessary tasks and marshal the proper level of support from senior ranks of management.
The CM team will typically include the following members:
Team leader
Communications coordinator
Emergency services coordinator
Other members as needed
What is a head count? How and when is it used in crisis management?
the process of accounting for all personnel- that is, determining each individual’s whereabouts- during and emergency
What are the critical success factors for CM planning?
“those few things that must go well to ensure success for a manager or an organization, and, therefore, they represent those managerial or enterprise areas that must be given special and continual attention to bring about high performance.”
What sections should be included in a CM plan?
Crisis management planning committee
Crisis types
Crisis management team structure
Responsibility and control
Crisis management protocols
Crisis management plan priorities
What is the chain of command?
list of officials, ranging from an individual’s immediate supervisor to the top executive of the organization.
What is an assembly area? When and how is it used in CM?
An assembly area is an area where people should gather in the event of a specific type of emergency, to facilitate a quick headcount.