Wrist (final) Flashcards
what are the carpal joints of the hand?
- scaphoid
- trapezium
- trapezoid
- hook/ hamulus of hamate
- pisiform
- triquetral
- lunate
- capitate
what is the wrist joint called?
- radical carpal joint.
name the joints of the wrist?
- radiocarple joint
- intercarpal joint
- carpometacarpal joint
- distal radioulnar joint
what is a ulnar collateral sprain?
- thumb is forcefully extended & abducted (values force)
s/s of a ulnar collateral ligament sprain?
- pain w/ A&PROM
- brusing
- swelling
- loss of function
management of a ulnar collateral ligament sprain?
- splinting/ taping
- refer to physical for x-ray.
- possible surgery if there is s full tear of the UCL of the thumb.
what is mallet finger?
- direct blow to the tip of the finger. the DIP is forced into hyperflexion.
- is caused from the extensor tendon being torn away from its insertion on the base of the distal phalanx.
s/s of mallet finger?
- pain & swelling at DIP jt.
management of mallet finger?
- splint
- refer to physican
- possible surgery
what is boutonnière deformity?
- rupture of the extensor tendon at the middle phalanx (middle knuckle)
s/s of boutonniere deformity?
- excessive flexion of PIP joint
- DIP joint is extension.
how do you manage boutonniere deformity?
- spint
- ice
- refer to physician
- PIP will be splinted in extension 3-4 weeks.
what is a scaphoid fracture?
- occurs from a FOOSH and lots of pressure being put through the wrist.
s/s of scaphoid fracture?
- acute pain and swelling in the area of the snuff box.
- always clear thumb for radial pain/ injuries.
why is it important to deal with a scaphoid fracture properly?
- scaphoid has blood supply to one side and if it does not heal properly then avascular necrosis may result.
how do you treat someone with a scaphoid fracture?
- refer to physical for x-ray.
- cast for immobilization of wrist and a distal thumb.
- x-ray again 10 days later.
- bone scan proper healing is not occurring in the scaphoid.
what is a lunate dislocation?
- FOOSH of the wrist, where the lunate bone dislocated towards the palm or distal side of the hand.
what is a thumb dislocation?
- direct impact to the end of the distal phalanx resulting in hyperextension of the MP Joint.
- proximal phalange moves into thenar muscle.
s/s of thumb dislocation?
- obvious deformity
- severe pain
- rapid swelling
- loss of function.
- inability to flex or extend fingers.
treatment for thumb dislocation?
- splint
- ice
- refer to physician for x-ray.
what is DeQuervains syndrome?
- this is tenosynovitis (swelling of tendon sheath) of the extensor polices brevis and abductor polices longus.
- this can happen from repetitive motion opening jar, screwdrivers, or thumb grip in weight lifting
what is dupuytrens contracture?
- nodule develop in palmer aponeurosis limiting finger extension. = flexion deformity.
s/s of dupuytrens contracture?
- flexion deformity in 4 & 5 finger
management for dupuytrens contracture?
- tissue nodules must be removed, as they interfere with hand function.
- refer to physician
- possible surgery.
Arteries of the wrist