elbow (final) Flashcards
what is the true elbow joint?
- humeral ulnar
name the muscles that associate with the elbow in the upper arm?
- F biceps tendon
- F long and short head of biceps
- P triceps tendon
- P 3 muscles of triceps.
- where do the extensors originate? 2. where do flexors originate?
- extensors originate on the lateral epicondyle.
- flexors originate on the medical epicondyle.
what is a olecranon bursitis?
- this is a direct blow on the posterior elbow, when falling to the ground and the elbow hits the ground, which is a result of fluid building up.
s/s for olecranon bursitis?
- pain
- rapid swelling
- limited ROM
management for olecranon bursitis?
- if swelling persists then see a physician to aspirate the bursa.
MOI for elbow sprains?
- hyperextension of the elbow
- repetitive stresses.
s/s of a sprain in the elbow?
- jt tenderness
- Pain w/ PROM & AROM
- jt laxity (+ valgus or varus stress test)
- swelling and limited motion.
managements for elbow sprains?
- taping or bracing.
what is a ulnar collateral ligament injury?
- this is a injury that results from a valgus force due to repetitive trauma.
MOI of UCL injury?
- ulnar nerve inflammation
- wrist extensor tendinitis
- overuse flexor/pronator strain
s/s of UCL sprain?
- pain along medial aspect of the elbow, tenderness over UCL
- tinels sign (paresthesia)
- pain w/ valgus stress test @ 20 degrees
management for a UCL sprain?
- conservative treatment w/ RICE & NSAIDS.
- can resolve with strengthen ing of flexors and pronators.
- last resort Tommy John surgery. (palmaris longs muscle is removed to recreate UCL)
what is a MOI for elbow dislocation?
- elbow forced into hyperextension.
severe torsion or varus or valgus force at the elbow when it is in a fixed position
name 3 ways a elbow dislocation bone can be displaced?
- anterior
- posterior
- laterally
what is a elbow dislocation?
- this is where the ulna will come out of the humeral ulnar joint after or posteriorly or laterally.
s/s of elbow dislocations?
- swelling
- severe pain
- check that radial pulse is still present.
what are complication / things that could develop due to a elbow dislocation?
- myositis ossificans and calcification of tissue around the jt.
- decreased ROM from scar tissue
- ulnar nerve entrapment by scar tissue.
- damaged arteries and nerves
- possible # of radial head.
what is elbow osteochondritis dissecans?
- degeneration of the articular cartilage in the elbow. the cartilage has been torn apart.
- this is seen in young throwing athletes.
what is a MOI for elbow OCD?
- repetitive micro trauma w/ movements of rotation, extension, valgus stress causing compression of the radial head and shearing of the radiocapitular jt.
s/s of OCD of the elbow?
- sudden pain
- locking
- swelling
- crepitus
- decreased ROM
management of OCD elbow?
- activity restriction for 6-12 wks.
- splint or cast in severe cases
- possible surgery.
3 fractures of the elbow/ forearm?
- distal humerus
- proximal radius
- proximal ulna
what is volkmann’s ischemic contracture?
- disruption to the blood vessels and nerves. this is also a complication of a elbow fracture.
what deformity would you notice of someone with volkmann’s ischemic contracture?
- wrist and the proximal finger joints are in extension.
- distal finger joints in flexion.
s/s of someone with volkmann’s ischemic contracture?
- pain in forearm increased w/ passive extension of the fingers.
- pain is followed by cessation of brachial and radial pulses.
3 forces placed on the forearm from throwing sports?
- medial tension
- lateral compression
- posterior compression
overuse in throwing during adolescence growth period is. known as what?
little league elbow
what is cubital tunnel syndrome?
- ulnar nerve dislocation or subluxation.
- this is also due to lax impingement or progressive compression of ligament on the nerve.
- repetitive movement to the ulnar nerve
s/s of cubital tunnel syndrome?
- pain medial which may be referred proximally or distally
- tenderness in cubital tunnel on palpation and hyper flexion
- intermittent paresthesia in 4 and 5th finger.
management of cubital tunnel syndrome?
- rest immobilization for 2 weeks w/ NSAIDS
- avoid values and hyper flexion stresses.
- possible surgery with subluxation of nerve
what is pronator teres syndrome?
- entrapment of the medial nerve. this nerve may become entrapped due to oedema or muscle hypertrophy.
s/s of pronator teres syndrome?
- sensory deficits, numbness, tingling, pins & needles in digits 1-4 (half of the fourth digit.)
- motor deficits, loss of flexion and weakness.
management of pronator teres syndrome?
- rest NSAIDS
- modified activity.
Bursa of the elbow
Function of elbow/muscles