World War II + The Holocaust Flashcards
What were the 3 goals of Adolf Hitler?
- Undo Treaty of Versailles
- Conquer living space from everywhere including Germany
- regain lost land
Name 2 conditions of Europe in the 1930s
- Germany broke the Treaty of Versailles and became stronger.
- France was gun shy and tired of fighting
Describe the invasion of Italy in Ethiopia. What did Ethiopia do?
Italy took over Ethiopia, and Mussolini ruled. Ethiopia appealed to the League of Nations; however, the League of Nations, Great Britain, nor France did anything about it.
Describe Germany’s takeover of the Rhineland. Make sure you tell what GB and France’s response was.
Germany was told not to go to the Rhineland. In March 1936, Germany fortified the Rhineland and built it up. Great Britain and France did nothing. If they had retaliated, Hitler said that he would have had to give up.
Name 3 events that lead to WWII.
- Italy takes over Ethiopia
- Germany takes over Sudetenland
- Spanish Civil War
Describe Germany’s takeover of Austria.
Austria was independent, but there were a lot of German residents. Demonstrations and riots broke out. Germany took over Austria, and France and Great Britain did nothing because Hitler was only trying to unite his Germans.
What was Sudetenland?
West province of Czechoslovakia with many Germans that weren’t treated well
Who tried to stop Hitler?
- France - Paladier Leaders
- GB - Chamberlain
- US - Roosevelt
Name the four countries and leaders that were invited to the Munich Conference.
Germany - Hitler
Italy - Mussolini
GB - Chamberlain
France - Dadalier
Describe the Munich Conference.
It was held to determine the fate of Sudetenland on September 2, 1938. It consisted of 4 countries. Hitler was given Sudetenland to shut him up. Chamberlain flies back to GB and says that they have achieved peace in our time because Germany and GB would never fight again. If anyone would have pushed against Germany, then they would’ve pulled back and stopped.
What was the importance of Hitler taking over the rest of Czechoslovakia?
GB and France realized that Hitler was fr.
Describe the Hitler-Stalin Pact.
Stalin is in charge of Russia. In 1930, Hitler killed many Jews and Stalin killed 20 million Russians. Stalin killed them in execution styles called purges. Poland was independent after WWI and Port Danzig was given to Poland. Hitler wanted the port, but GB and France refused him. Russia didn’t get involved until Germany offered the pact to Russia because of their similarities and Hitler wanted to avoid a two front war. It gave Russia East Poland.
What were 3 reasons Russia refused to get involved?
- They were not invited to the Munich Conference
- Poland told Russia they didn’t want Russia inside of Poland
- Germany made Russia an offer they couldn’t refuse.
Describe the results of the Hitler-Stalin Pact.
GB and France were loyal to Poland, but they couldn’t save Poland from Russia and Germany because they had bad leadership. Russia mobilizes, and Hitler avoids a 2 front war.
What was the immediate cause of WWII (September 1, 1939)?
Germany and Russia invaded Poland. (Germany ->West; Russia-> east)
Define Blitzkrieg
lightning war
Name the countries involved in the beginning of WWII. How many were killed at Rotterdam?
- Luxembourg, Belgium, Poland, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands
- 40,000 people were killed in Rotterdam, Netherlands
Describe the Fall of France
France had dope weapons, but they didn’t know how to use them. They also had bad leadership. Hitler invaded from the North and Mussolini from the south. 340,000 foreign soldiers were on French land.
What was the nickname of Operation Dynamo
How many soldiers were involved at Dunkirk? How did the British rescue these soldiers? Name at least 4 ways
- 340,000
- The British organized old sailing/rolling lifeboats, yachts, pleasure boats, fishing boats, bargers, fire boats, destroyers, and large ships to rescue the soldiers.
Describe the Battle of Britain. When were the attacks?
Hitler goes to Churchill and asks him to surrender. Aug 8, 1940, Germany declares war on GB. Germany bombs GB, but their radar picks up the planes. GB goes into bomb shelters. Alarms tell when to get into the shelters. Hitler bombs continuously, day after day. The British stay together and alive. Hitler switched to night bombing after night. It didn’t work. GB didn’t surrender.
What was the location of the Germans during the Battle of Britain?
St. Paul’s Cathedral (London)
Name 3 reasons the British won the Battle of Britain
- British unity
- Winston Churchill’s leadership
- radar
- royal air force
- strong navy
Who made up the Axis Alliance?
germany, italy, japan
Describe the Treaty of 1939.
It allowed selling ammunition to belligerent (hesitant or hard to deal with) nations. Stipulation: the country must pay before they take the goods. GB controls the seas -> the only one to get supplies by sea. Roosevelt notices the US has 50 old destroyers that weren’t in use. He told GB that they could use them if the US could use GB’s army and naval bases. It was the 1st national conscription law drafting that drafted soldiers.
Describe the Lend-Lease Act
the US tells GB that they can use credit for supplies and pay the US back when the war is over
Describe the Atlantic Charter
Aug 1941, Roosevelt and Churchill meet in a British battleship off the coast of Newfoundland. They discussed the war aims of democracies. The US, in the fall of 1941, waged an undeclared war on Germany because they aided GB so much.
What was the 2-fold purpose of the New Order?
They were trying to do away with the Jewish population with as little war as possible
Create the perfect generation/population
Name the goals of the New Order.
- Germanize all conquered people
- the kids of conquered people to be raised by Germans
- turn conquered people into slaves, if they die, they die
- take the conquered people’s resources
- make POWs out of conquered people
- kill all russian officials
- kill all jews in genocide
define holocaust
organized murder of at least 6 million Jews by the Nazis during WWII. It was the largest genocide in history.
define genocide
the attempt to kill an entire ethnic or religious group of people
define anti-semitism
prejudice against jewish people
describe what led to the start of the holocaust
Herman Grynszpan, while visiting his uncle in Paris, got word that his father was deported to Poland. Nov 7, he shot a German diplomat to avenge his father’s deportation. Nazis launched a violent attack on the Jewish community.
describe kristallnact
Nov 9 -> Nazis burn jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues. It created the Nazi policy of Jewish persecution.
What was the Jews’ reaction to the beginning of the holocaust?
they fled
What countries accepted Jews for a while?
France, GB, US
Describe Auschwitz
Major concentration camp, largest, located in south poland
Who were the Brown Shirts?
Hitler’s Private Army (storm troopers)
Who were the Black Shirts?
Mussolini’s Private Army
Define Gestapo
german secret police
Who was Heinrich Himmler?
Supervised the killing of German Jews
Who was Joseph Goebbels?
Minister of Propaganda
Who was Herman Goring?
Head of the German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
Define Luftwaffe
German Air Force
What happened to Jews not killed by the troops?
They were placed in concentration camps for slave labor. Guards would beat or kill prisoners for their lack of work.
How long did slaves work in a week?
7 days a week
How many Jews were killed by 1945? How many did Poland lose?
At least 66% of European Jews were killed. Poland lost 91% of its over 3 million population of Jews.
Describe the Ghettos.
Very small, but they were packed with a lot of people. They were indeed city slums. As the Nazis conquered places, they spread Anti-Semitism. Some Jews had to wear the Yellow star of David and were forced into Ghettos.
Describe Poland’s Warsaw Ghetto.
It was only a few square miles, but it housed 500,000 people. It was sealed off to prevent escapes. The Nazis forced Jews to go the the Ghettos through:
DECEPTION - Jews were told they were being sent to resettlement areas in the east, and advised to pack, bring valuables, and the tools of their trade
STARVATION - people need 2,400 calories a day, but the Nazis fed the Jews only 300 which made them weak and easy to control
TERROR - the Schutzstaffel (SS) frequently performed on-the-spot public executions
Describe the Final Solution
Hitler took a more direct plan called the Final Solution. He called for a system of mass genocide and for the elimination of any inferior races, nationalities, or groups. Nazi troops began killings across Western Europe.
Name at least 5 of the places that Japan took over by 1942.
- Dutch East Indies (Indonesia)
- Thailand
- Malaysia
- Hong Kong
- Korea
- Manchuria
- French Indo-China
- Philippines
- Burma
Name 3 reasons conquered people hated the Japanese.
- The Japanese mistreated them and used them for slave labor.
- Japan took over their resources and made products from them and had the countries buy them back.
- Japanese treated them as being inferior, gave little power to native rulers