Semester Exam Flashcards
The White Man’s Burden
A poem written by Rudyard Kipling
it conveyed the idea that Europeans have a duty/responsibility to help uncivilized nations
Industrialization of ambitions in European Nations:
- Industrialization stirred ambitions
the Europeans wanted more resources to fuel industrial productivity - They competed for new markets for their goods
- They looked to africa for raw materials and as a market
- Colonial powers seized vast areas of Africa during the 19th and early 20th centuries
Shaka Zulu
Zulu time period: 1700-1800 (before scramble).
Shaka Zulu was the chief who used disciplined warriors and good organization to create a centralized state. His successors were unable to keep the kingdom together against Europe.
Cetshwayo refused to accept British rule so they invaded. The Zulus lost the Battle of Ulundi and their kingdom fell to GB in 1887.
Reasons for countries colonizing and not colonizing:
Some countries colonized because they felt they were superior and had to take care of other nations. It was also really easy to colonize because of new technological advances, communication, transportation, and weapons. However, European travel to the interior on a large scale basis was virtually impossible. They could not navigate African Rivers. Steam-powered riverboats in the 1800s allowed Europeans to go inwards in Africa. Diseases discouraged European exploration. Africans controlled their own trade networks and provided the trade items. Natural resources were in short supply in Europe. No European power wanted to be left behind.
Rudyard Kipling
the author of the Poem, White Man’s Burden
Eli Whitney
the cotton gin guy
Characteristics of imperialism:
a policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically for economic gain
the right by law or custom of the firstborn legitimate child to inherit the parent’s entire or main estate
Boxer Rebellion
Boxers were a Chinese group that arose in rebellion in an attempt to drive out all foreigners from China. They belonged to the secret society called the Righteous and Harmonious Fists. Hundreds of foreigners were killed, and the Chinese government secretly supported the Boxers. They were crushed by an international police force. It encouraged Chinese nationalism.
Robber Barons:
A person who has become rich through ruthless and unscrupulous business practices
1) Andrew Carnegie: steel guy who gave away 350 mill
2) John D. Rockefeller: standard oil company - worth 900 million even when automobiles weren’t a thing
3) Cornelius Vanderbilt: railroads, strike instilled in West Virginia
Europe in 1900 (conditions)
The first decades of the 20th century saw a sea change in European politics and culture, while two world wars altered the shape of the continent
Market economy
an economic system in which production and prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses
Social Darwinism
people are subject to the same Darwinian laws as plants. The idea of natural selection was used to justify racism and the scramble for Africa
Spanish-American War
The US joined Cuba in their war against Spain for independence. The US takes the Philippines from Spain. The Spanish attack Cuba, but the Spanish defense collapses. In 1901, Cuba was declared independent, but the US instills military forces that the Cubans hate. The war went to the Caribbean. The Rough Riders, under the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt, dought in the Battle of San Juan Hill. They won and Roosevelt gained popularity. The war was ended by the Treaty of Paris.
the government should stay out of businesses so the economy can grow
Woodrow Wilson
Democrat: wins election by saying he kept the US out of war.
declares war on germany: said the world must be safe for democracy
14 points guy
Wilhelm II:
The triple alliance under him was offensive instead of defensive when it was under Bismarck
He abdicated the German throne and was replaced by the Weimar Republic
Treaty of Versailles:
June 28, 1919
The War Guilt Clause blamed Austria and Germany for WWI. it forced them to decrease the size of their military to 100,000 men. France gained Alsace-Lorraine, Syria, and Lebanon. Britain gained Palestine, Iraq, and Jordan. Germany hated the treaty, but they were forced to sign it. The Germans were humiliated and thought they were punished unfairly. The damage done during WWI is unprecedented. 10 million people died, Civil liberties pulled apart, progress came to a halt, the economy crashed down and society changed
Russian Revolution + Results
Russia was a disaster before the war started. War highlighted the shortcomings of Russia. Russia wasn’t technologically or militarily strong enough to fight; they had plenty of soldiers but not enough weapons.They were unprepared. Russian military general were no bueno. The Czar takes personal control of the Russian Army even though he garbage. He killed 2 million Russian soldiers. 8 million total casualties. By 1977, Russia’s will to fight was gone. The Czar let his wife, Alexandria, rule pretty much. She gave the power to Rasputin. Her heir, Alexei had hemophilia (necrophilia) Rasputin was a Peasant healer and healed him. He gave the government ideas that didn’t help Russia. Nicholas didn’t stop him though, and the aristocrats didn’t like him.. They assassinated him on December of 1918. Bread rations were high and 10,000 women marched on the Streets of St. Petersburg. Workers of the middle class joined the women. They succeeded in shutting down factories. Nicholas tells the soldiers to shoot the crowd. The troops joined the march and Nicholas lost his power, he abdicates the throne. Russia gets a new provisional government-> Moderate Constitutional Democrats led and their mistake was that they kept Russia in the war and lost support. Revolutionary leaders organized the Soviet Council of Workers and Soldiers where the Bolshevik Leader was Lenin.
Mussolini was injured in WWI. When he came home, he joined the socialists to get out of war. He didn’t agree with them, so they kicked him out. He switches to the extreme right to get some power. He played on people’s fears of a socialist uprising; he said he would prevent the rise of Socialism and gained support. He brings nationalistic pride and said Italy needed a great leader. The Squadristi/Blackshirts were a group of enforcers who followed Mussolini and fought for him. Fascists were elected into Parliament. Former soldiers and the middle class made up the Squadristi. They break up socialist meetings and marches. In 1922, enough fascists were in Parliament that the other parties allied with Mussolini. He gave a speech that says to give all the power to him or he will march on Rome. This was a huge bluff and it worked. It frightened the government and King Victor Emmanuel III to appoint Mussolini as Prime Minister on Oct 22, 1922. Mussolini threatened violence to silence the socialist party. 2/3 of Parliament were Fascist. They assassinated many socialist leaders. Mussolini made a speech to create a new order to get rid of violence. Mussolini censored the public and outlawed other political parties. By 1926, he ruled Italy as Il Duce (the leader). “Peace will reign through Italy by love or force if necessary”. He used propaganda to spread messages but it wasn’t successful. The military grew bigger, women’s job was to give birth. Mussolini never got rid of the monarchy and competed for power. He couldn’t get rid of Catholics so he recognized it as the Italian religion and gave them Vatican City. Hitler was an admirer of Mussolini.
Zimmerman Note
Zimmerman sent a telegram to von Eckhardt, German Ambassador to Mexico. It said:Mexico, please join central powers against the US and when they win the war, they would be given Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. It was sent on March 1, 1917. GB intercepted the telegram on April 12, 1917 and sent it to the US.
Totalitarian dictators (countries where they rose)
Hitler (Germany), Stalin (Russia), Mussolini (Italy)
Gavrilo Princip
the guy that killed Francis ferdinand, he was Serbian and with the Black Hand group
Francis Ferdinand
archduke that was shot
The US wanted to stay neutral in WWI because Woodrow Wilson was against war and the US was economically well-off. The US had a trade agreement with the Triple Entente so they were leaning towards joining the British side. The Germans used unrestricted submarine warfare to go after military ships only. Wilson is still against war so he didn’t join yet.
war debt Germany had to pay due to the Treaty of Versailles
The most common types used were fear, the bandwagon, name-calling, euphemism, glittering generalities, transfer, and the testimonial. The posters pulled at emotions-both positive and negative.
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin was the Bolshevik leader of the new Russian government. He was kicked out of Russia for causing havoc as the Bolsheviks were violent revolutionaries. Lenin said Russia needed a violent revolution. The Bolshevik revolution = the Communist Revolution. Lenin consolidated his power into peace, land, adn bread. Lenin said Russia would overcome its issue. He gained a lot of support for taking Russia out of WWI. Lenin was in charge of everything for the rest of the war. He nationalized land and gave it to local soviets in rural areas. Lenin turns over control of factories to workers. His major achievement was getting Russia out of the war. On March 3, 1918, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed with Germany that gave Germans a lot of land. Lenin said the treaty was irrelevant because communism will take over Europe and there will be no more borders. Russia left the war, Germany was hopeful to take control of the war. They gathered a massive force to create and launch a massive offense
The Schlieffen Plan:
What Germany wants to do: go through Belgium asap and take over; go to France ASAP and take it over; Belgium slows the plan. The plan part one is successful, but not like Germany wanted it to be. Belgium fights back and Germany doesn’t take over quickly. The Battle of the Marne was part 2 of the Schlieffen Plan attempt by France to push Germany back to Germany. Marne was the French counterattack; Germany tried to take over France.
Role of Women(WWI)
Many women joined the workforce. Women faced discrimination and low wages. Rebellious, independent women were given the name of Flappers. Flappers were modern and rebellious women that had short hair and skirts. They visited speakeasies, danced, and wanted the same freedom as men.
14 points goal
Made by Woodrow Wilson to show his ideas about peace to the world
Big 3 at Paris Peace Conference:
the Big 4 were David Lloyd George of Britain, Georges Clemenceau of France, Vittorio Orlando of Italy, and Woodrow Wilson of the US.
Austrian Ultimatum (Serbia)
Austria issued Serbia an ultimatum, or list of demands, and gave them a 48 hour time limit. Serbia agreed to all of them except for 2. On July 28, 1914, Austria declared war on Serbia
US conditions after war
Roaring 20s: prosperous time when America’s growth and economy was booming. The 18th amendment made alcohol illegal. Prohibition was difficult to enforce. The 19th amendment was women’s suffrage. Flappers, Clash between science and religion, KKK, Red Scare, Harlem Renaissance, Stock Market Crash, Great Depression.
Black Hand
A Serbian terrorist group that Gavrilo Princip was a part of - they killed the archduke
League of Nations
The purpose was to negotiate disputes and keep wars from happening
a friendly agreement
Triple Entente
GB, France, SU
Advantages: surrounds the central powers and controls trade
Disadvantages: no true alliance
Immediate effects of Great Depression (Germany)
After William II, the Weimar Republic was created. It was plagued with problems. In 1925, Hindenburg was elected president - military man. Germany had serious economic problems. People on fixed incomes suffered inflation. The middle class was pushed toward politcal parties w=that were hostile for the republic. Depression paved the way for dear and the rise of extremist parties. Army was not loyal to Hindenburg. The Judges made their own rules, people undermine democracy. Teachers are against the republic. The weak government gives and Hitler takes over. Serious economic issues, unemployment, and inflation continue to increase.
Nuremberg Laws
prejudiced laws that prevented Jews from doing many things and gave them less rights.
Totalitarian dictators
italy, Russia, Germany
Total War
in a total war, everyone is attacked, including civilians, everyone is involved
German invasion of France
France had dope weapons, but they didn’t know hot to use them. They also had a bad leader. Hitler invaded from the North and Mussolini from the South. Dunkirk was named Operation Dynamo. 340,000 soldiers were on French land. The British made a big rescue.
Adolf Hitler’s control of Germany in Relation to treaty of Versailles:
Hitler knew that Germany could not possibly pay back the reparations that were required in the Treaty of Versailles
Axis powers:
Italy, Germany, Japan
Allied POwers
US, France, GB
the action of keeping something harmful under control or within limits
the rest of the world just appeased Hitler and let him do whatever in order to avoid a war (spoiler it didn’t work)
French response to German aggression
GB and France do nothing until Hitler tries to take over all of Czechoslovakia
Pearl Harbor
Dec 7, 1941. 2,300. Americans were killed; 323 planes were destroyed; 21 ships damaged. Dec 8, the US declared war. FDR said the day would live in infamy.
US entrance into war:
On Dec 7, 1941, Japan invaded Pearl Harbor. The guys watching the radar noticed the planes, but they were told to ignore it by their superiors. The US declared war on December 8, 1941.
The place where D-day took place
Operation Dynamo. Hitler invaded France from the North and Mussolini from the south. 340,000 people were on the French land. Great Britain rescued French soldiers by sending yachts, fishing boats, destroyers, and fireboats.
June 6, 1944. The purpose was to retake France from Germany, and the plan was to go across the English channel and invade Normandy controlled by France. Operation Tiger was a practice session ongoing in Normandy. The practice exercise happens at Slapton Sands because it looked like the beaches in Normandy. 4 times as many people died there and not on actual D-day. They used 8 landing ship tankers escorted by corvette and a destroyer. They see German Torpedo boats. 749 soldiers died in this practice bust. Operation Overlord was the codename for the invasion of NW Europe France at Normandy. It involved 2 major announcements/landing the soldiers on the beach and establishing beach heads. The main leader was Eisenhower. This wasn’t easy and we almost couldn’t do it. Allies land on 5 beaches Omaha, Utah, Gold, Juno, and Sword. The allies won because they took Germany by surprise, air force, and established beach heads.
Tet Offensive
Viet Cong attack: capital (Saigon)
June of 1942. Turning point in the pacific. Japan thought that if they could draw the US in and beat them in battle, the US would surrender. Admiral Chester Nimitz, by using naval intelligence, could see the Japanese planes. The battle involved 41 torpedo planes that flew very low on the water, and it was a suicide mission. It also involved dive bombers and Japanese Zeroes. 35 of the Torpedo planes were shot down to draw fire from the Japanese Zeroes to make it possible for the dive bomber to come down and beat the Japanese. The Japanese zeroes couldn’t gain altitude fast enough.
the organized murder of at least 6 million European Jews by the NAzis during WWII. The Holocaust was the largest genocide in History. Genocide is an attempt to kill an entire ethnic or religious group. Anti-semitism is prejudice against jews. Herman Grynszpan visited his uncle in Paris when he found out his father was deported to Poland. On Nov 7, he shot a German diplomat to avenge his father. The Nazis launched a violent attack on the Jews. Jews fled Europe to France, GB, and the US. They shut their doors. Auschwitz was a major concentration camp. Heinrich Himmler supervised the killing of German Jews. Joseph Goebbels was the minister of propaganda. Hermann Goring was the head of the German Luftwaffe/air force. Jews not killed by troops were placed into concentration camps or slave labor. They worked 7 days a week. Guards would beat and kill prisoners. Many lost 50lbs per month. By 1945. 66% of the European Jews were killed with Poland losing 91% of its over 3 million Jews. The ghettos were inner city slums. Jews had to wear a Yellow Star of David and Nazis spread Anti-semitism where they conquered. Poland’s warsaw ghetto was only a few square miles, but it housed 500,000 people and was sealed off. The Nazis used deception, starvation, and terror to control and force the Jews into Ghettos. The Final Solution called for the elimination of any inferior races, nationalities, or groups
The bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, was called Little Boy. The plane was called the Enola Gay and was piloted by Paul Tibbets. 80,000-1400 were killed and 100,000 injured.
The bomb dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, was called Fat Man. The plane was called the Box Car and was piloted by Charles Sweeny. 74,000 were killed and 75,000 were injured
Big 3
Yalta: Stalin, Churchill, FDR
Potsdam: Atlez, Stalin, Truman
Yalta Conference
Feb 1945
purpose was to divide Germany into 2 parts
United Nation
Group formed at the end of WWII to help prevent conflicts
Great Britain fell as a major power after the war, so what happened?
The Bank of England, railways, heavy industry, and coal mining were all nationalized. The most controversial issue was nationalization of steel, which was profitable unlike the others. Economic recovery was slow, housing was in short supply, bread was rationed along with many necessities in short supply.
Douglas MacArthur:
he led the US and was sent to take over the Philippines. Before he left, he said he would return. He was fired for giving the president a plan to bomb China, Russia, and Japan
Japanese-new constitution provisions
The progressive constitution granted universal suffrage, stripped Emperor Hirohito of all but symbolic power, stipulated a bill of rights, abolished peerage, and outlawed Japan’s right to make war.
Japanese dive-bombers- known bcoz they committed suicide and it was a high honor
Alsace-Lorraine was a border region located between the Rhine River and the Vosges Mountains. Its role in French wartime propaganda, its geographic location, and its tumultuous recent history all combined to give the region a distinct experience of the First World War.
Nazis broke into and burnt a lot of Jewish businesses. It happened on Nov 9, 1938
Berlin Airlift
Us sends planes into West Berlin to give them supplies and food. In 324 days, we send 200,000 flights into West Berlin, and the blockade ended. It made the US look good and Russia look bad
Arms race
Russia and America were racing to see who could develop better weapons the fastest
Leonid Brezhnev was the leader of Russia and Khrushchev’s replacement
easing of tensions (US & SU)
This is the Soviet response to the Marshall plan. It aided Eastern Europe and controlled the economy of Eastern Europe. Albania, Hungary, Poland, and SU were in it.
Nixon and Brezhnev have SALT talks in 1972. The purpose was to determine the amount of weapons that can be produced. SALT talks improved détente, laid the foundation of the reduction of arms in the 1990s during the start of Bill Clinton’s term. Started START - Strategic Arms Reduction Talks.
Iron Curtain
Soviet-made barrier that separates Communist East from non-communist West with satellites. Yugoslavia, Albania, and Poland had iron curtain satellites taken over by the SU.
Defense alliance was set up to prevent the spread of communism. Containment plan was set up by Europe. It was created to take over Czechoslovakia and the Berlin Blockade. Events that made NATO stronger: SU creates and atomic bomb and SU invade North Korea
Significance: NATO is the first time that the US signed an alliance during peacetime
Characteristics of Cold War
Security and economic problems were the dominant problems in the East and West of Europe. Cold was is tension/war without fighting. Europeans East and West wouldn’t do anything without consulting the US or SU. The biggest problem was how to get both sides together.
Hot wars of the Cold War
950 to 1953: The Korean War. 1961: The Berlin Crisis. 1962: The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1964 to 1973: The Vietnam War.
Years of Cold War
Vietnam War - reasons for war and US involvement:
1955-1975. 1950s- monetary support for Vietnam 1960s- sent troops
GULF OF TONKIN - North Vietnamese attack US ships in the gulf. The resolution: Congress allows all necessary measures to be taken.
PROBLEM: VIETCONG: people in South Vietnam fought for North Vietnam. They used guerilla warfare, hid in trees, and launched surprise attacks.
Napalm: used by the US to burn trees and humans
Potsdam Conference
July 1945,
Big 3: Richard Atlez, Stalin, Hary Truman
Purpose: send an ultimatum to Japan to surrender or get bombed
Berlin wall
After WWII, refugees came from East Berlin, East Germany, and East Europe. To stop this, the Russians built the Berlin Wall in 1961. It came down in 1989.
West Germany and East Germany (differences and what eventually happened between them)
Before the wall was built, West Germany was united in 1949. The official name of West Germany was the Federal Representation of Germany. Bonn was the capital. East Germany was called the German Democratic Republic. Berlin was the capital of East Germany. They were split by a wall and then reunited.
Berlin Airlift:
the US flew 200,000 planes over the Berlin Blockade for 324 days to get supplies to Berlin
Berlin Blockade
Russia blocked Berlin so the US couldn’t get supplies to them, and it was supposed to make America look bad, but it backfired and Russia looked bad. It ended after 324 days because of the Berlin Airlift
Sputnik I & II
1) The first satellite sent up by Russia was Sputnik I
2) Sputnik II was second.
it prompted the US to get involved and promote more math and science in their school curriculum
first dawg in space 11/3/57
July 1958,
it was a response to Soviet development, American fears, and the American desire to advance furthur
The Cuban leader, Eisenhower and Khrushchev didn’t like him. Eisenhower tried to overthrow him, but he failed
Kitchen Debate
Nixon and Khrushchev were debating the pros and cons of capitalism and communism. It got heated, so Nixon poked Khrushchev in the face. They were walking past a kitchen so it’s called the kitchen debate
He was the new leader of Russia who replaced Stalin. He was replaced by Leonid Brezhnev after he was fired after swapping spies with the US.
The treaty of Rome created Euratom - European Atomic Energy; EEC - European Economic Community. the purpose was to remove trade barriers between members and non-members. Euratom, ECSC, and EEC all join to form the Economic Community/Common Market (EC)
Bay of Pigs
Batista ruled Cuba and the US supported him, but he was a nasty. He lost popularity and a Cuban revolution occurred. Castro takes over Cuba; the US and SU hate him. Eisenhower decides to overthrow him on March 17, 1960, but he fails. The US breaks diplomatic ties with Cuba
Cuban Missile Crisis
Khrushchev put missiles in Cuba pointed at the US, so the US put missiles in Turkey pointed at Russia. It was supposed to make the US look bad, but it backfired for Khrushchev and they replaced him.
Maastricht Treaty
Created the EU(European Union): Spain, France, GB
reduced conflict and made it possible for the EU to compete in the world market
Independence movement
The Korean independence movement was a military and diplomatic campaign to achieve the independence of Korea from Japan
A policy or system of segregation/discrimination on grounds of race. In 1913, the Land Act was passed. It prevented black South Africans from owning land or working as sharecroppers. In response, they formed the African National Congress (ANC) to fight against the racist policies of Apartheid. Their main goal was to win voting rights. At first it was peaceful, then it became violent after the Sharpeville Massacre in 1960. They marched, went on strike, boycotted, and burned govt issued passes. The Soweto uprising made the UN denounce South Africa. The pressure made the government get rid of all the laws in 1993.
leader of India -led to a peaceful time in India
Nelson Mandela was one of the leaders of the African National Congress and was a young lawyer. He was the first non-white president of South African and marked the end of apartheid
was a Chinese politician and communist revolutionary who was the founder of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), which he led as the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party from the establishment of the PRC in 1949 until his death in 1976
AIDS is a chronic immune system disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
HIV damages the immune system and interferes with the body’s ability to fight infection and disease. HIV can be spread through contact with infected blood, semen, or vaginal fluids. There’s no cure for HIV/AIDS, but medications can control the infection and prevent disease progression.
Age of Terrorism
Trend of the past 50 years has been the increase in international terrorism. Terrorism is when people or groups use violence and fear to bring change to government or society. Terrorism is not new, since the 1960s, more than 14,000 attacks have occurred worldwide.
ex: AL-Qaeda
Rwandan Genocide
The majority of Rwandans are Hutu with the minority Tutsi. It became a colony of Belgium, and Belgium kept the Tutsis in power because they looked more European. Rwanda gained independence in 1960 (year of Africa). Hutu took revenge to claim back power and a civil war broke out. Millions of Tutsi refugees fled to Burundi. The Tutsi formed a rebel army of refugees in Burundi, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). The RPF and Rwandan Army (Hutu controlled) went to war. In Oct. 1993, The Rwandan President Habyalimana agreed to share power with the Tutsi. The UN was sent over. Many Hutus were not willing to share. A Hutu militia known as the interahamwe began a propaganda campaign against Tutsis and moderate Hutus. RTLM - Hutu Power Radio. On April 6, 1994, President Habyalimana’s plane was shot down. The RTLM radio said that Tutsi rebels shot it down. It gave the signal to carry out the genocide “Cut the Tall Trees”. They targeted and killed Tutsis. The RTLM broadcasts propaganda and calls all good Hutus to work. After the Interahamwe militia killed 10 UN workers, the UN fled. The genocide lasted for 100 days. 8-10,000 killed a day with clubs and MACHETES. IT ended in July of 1994 when the Tutsi RPF ousted the Rwandan Hutu ARmy and the Interahamwe from the capital do Kefali. Over 800,000 were killed. 75% of all Tutsis. Millions of refugees.
Brown vs Board of Education
The US Supreme Court case of Plessy vs Ferguson said separate but equal. The 14th amendment says no state shall deny to any person the equal protection of the laws. In 1951, a class action suit was filed against the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas in US district Court. The plaintiffs were 13 parents on behalf of their 20 chilluns. For example: Oliver L. Brown, Linda Brown. The lawyers argued that the system of racial segregation while saying they were providing separate but equal treatment of both white and black Americans, instead provided inferior accommodations, services, and treatment for black students. Segregated schools for black children were usually crowded, dark, had fewer resources, inferior services, and few teachers. Thurgood Marshall of NAACP argued that separate but equal violated the 14 amendment. The judges said that (9-0) it was facts. Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka was a landmark US Supreme Court case in which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional.
Rosa Parks
She took a stand for her race by refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger in Dec of 1955. In those days, city buses were segregated. This marked the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. She started the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Bin Laden
Osama Bin Laden was the leader of the deadliest terrorist organization in recent history, Al-Qaeda (The Base). He was a Saudi Arabian from a wealthy family.
At first, it was made up of Afghan rebels and other Muslims from the Middle East who fought the Soviet UNion in the 1980s, they were trained and armed by the CIA. When the US intervened in the conflict between Iraq and Kuwait in 1991 (The first Persian Gulf War), bin Laden saw the US presence in the Middle East as an affront to Islam. Al-Qaeda has the goals of destroying Israel, removing all Western Influence from the Middle East, and spreading strict Islamic ideology throughout the world. They view their attacks as a jihad (holy war) against the non-believers. In 1993, Al-Qaeda detonated a bomb in the basement of the WOrld Trade Center. In 1998, 2 US embassies in Africa were bombed. In 2000, the navy ship USS Cole was attacked in Yemen. 9/11. After 9/11, George W. Bush declared a War on Terrorism and sent troops to destroy Al-Qaeda.
Martin Luther King Jr.
President of the Montgomery Improvement Association. He was born on January 15, 1929 to a school teacher and a Baptist Minister. His og name was Michael instead of Martin. He grew up in the church and he decided to become a minister. He went to Morehouse College at the age of only 15 and graduated in 1948 with a bachelor in Arts in Sociology. King enrolled in Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania and he graduated with a Bachelor of Divinity degree in Divinity. King met Coretta in Boston where she was studying music. They married in Georgia in a backyard. King became the pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery. The King received threats and moved to Atlanta and back. His book was called Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story. His house bombed. Peaceful protests. He was arrested. I Have a Dream at Lincoln memorial facing washington monument. He was assassinated by James Earl Ray. Jan 20 is National MLK JR day. By Pres. Reagan
Persian Gulf War
August 1990 - February 1991
Iraq was in debt to the US and others. Iraq and Kuwait have disputes. On Aug 2, 1990, UN and Arab League make resolutions. It was called Operation Desert Shield. The war had media coverage, 100 hours, smart missiles, oilfields. Kuwait was liberated and George W. Bush ordered a ceasefire.
it’s the tax program that Ronald Reagan put into place in the 80s to help the country get back on its feet.