World War 1 part 2 Flashcards
Why did the US want to stay neutral?
Woodrow Wilson was against war
The US was doing great economically compared to the countries in war
How did Americans feel after the sinking of the Lusitania? How did the President Wilson feel?
The US was outraged
President Wilson was upset, but he was still against war
Who were the two leaders of Germany that the Kaiser gave control to?
Paul von Hindenburg
Erich Ludendorff
Describe the Zimmerman Telegraph and what were the results?
- The Zimmerman Telegraph cause the US to declare war on Germany.
- It was sent to Mexico from Germany saying that if Mexico fought against the US, Germany would give them territories of the US gained in 1848.
Who intercepted the Zimmerman Telegraph? What were the Results?
- England
- England sent the telegraph to the US.
- the US declared war on Germany (April 6, 1917)
What was Wilson’s idea to end all wars?
- Spread democracy everywhere and establish peace
Describe France during the latter part of WWI
The fighting of WWI took place mostly on French land.
France had the most difficult time feeding their army and building trenches.
France managed to fight and win most battles.
Describe Germany during the latter part of WWI.
- Germany had a successful government plan
- Food shortages were rampant
- Thousands died from famine
- Germany supplied the war machine, but they no longer had enough people and food (English blockade)
What caused so many to die in Germany?
What were some failures of Russia, Hungary, and Italy
None of them could supply their own troops and didn’t have the supplies to fight the bigger powers. Civil liberties were oppressed. Propaganda was spread to bring patriotism. They censored the press and didn’t allow free speech.
Russia was autocratic and backwards; they couldn’t get a good wartime footing
Italy switched sides in 1915
What role did women play in these failures?
Women supplied the jobs of men that were drafted in war. They tried to gain independence
Why weren’t middle class men drafted?
- They were the elite factory workers and would be hard to replace
What happened during this time to prices and wages?
- prices increased
- wages stayed the same
Describe some of Russia’s failures.
Russia was not technologically advanced or militarily strong enough. They had plenty of soldiers, but not enough weapons. They were unprepared, their generals were bad, and the Czar took control of the army even though we been knew he didn’t know how to run it
How many Russian soldiers died?
2 million
How many total Russian casualties?
8 million
Who was Rasputin?
What did he do with the government?
What happened to Rasputin?
- peasant healer who healed Alexandria
- he gave ideas that did not help Russia to the government
- a group of nobles/aristocrats assassinated him in December of 1918.
Describe the March Revolution:
- Bread rations were expensive
- 10,000 people (workers and women) marched in the streets of St. Petersburg
- succeeded in shutting down factories
- Czar Nicholas tells the soldiers to shoot the crowd
- Troops join the crowd
- Czar lost his power and abdicates his throne
- Russia gets a provisional government
Who was the leader of the new government of Russia?
Vladimir Lenin
Describe the Bolsheviks
they were violent revolutionaries
Describe Lenin’s consolidation of power:
Lenin was kicked out of Russia for causing havoc. Germany arranged for his return to Russia in hopes that Russia would back out of the war. He led the violent revolution. He consolidated his power into peace, land, and bread
What items did Lenin offer if the population followed him?
peace, food, land
What was Lenin’s major achievement?
-pulled Russia out of the war
Describe the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk:
- treaty signed by Russia and Germany (March 3, 1918)
- gave Germans a lot of land
-Lenin said that the treaty was irrelevant bcoz communism would take over and erase borders
Describe the Russian Civil war:
The royal family was under house arrest. The Bolsheviks (red) vs the Anti-Bolsheviks (white). The white team wanted to restore the royal family. The red soldiers opened fire on the royal family. Most die, but the remaining Romanovs flee. Bolsheviks win control of the army.
What was the Red Terror?
The Bolsheviks destroyed anyone who opposed the regime
Describe the 2nd battle of the Marne:
- Germany almost succeeds
- French and British troops hold Germans 20 miles from Paris
- Americans get their soldiers and fight in March
- In May, 1.14 million Americans went to Europe to fight
- Germany ran out of men -> sent out their children to fight
- British and French are tired of fighting, but American troops back them
- US forces stop the German offensive
- Germany is pushed back and defeated
- Germany ends the war before ally forces could take German land
- Germany requests peace talks
What kind of government was formed in Germany at the end of the war?
Weimar Republic
What is the significance of November 11, 1918?
Armistice Day: agree to stop fighting
Who were the Big Four at the Paris Peace Conference?
- David Lloyd George - Britain
- Georges Clemenceau - France
- Vittorio Orlando - Italy
- Woodrow Wilson - US
Describe the War Guilt Clause of the Treaty of Versailles?
Blamed Austria and Germany for the war
Describe Wilson’s 14 points:
An idea for peace all over the world. Poland became an independent nation. Point 14 was the League of Nations that was supposed to keep wars from happening.
What were some stipulations of the Treaty of Versailles?
Austria and Germany were blamed for the war. They were forced to decrease the size of their militaries to 100,000 men. France gained Alsace-Lorraine, Syria, and Lebanon. Britain gained Palestine, Iraq, and Jordan. Germany was forced to sign it even though they hated it. Germany had to pay 33 billion dollars.
How many people died in WWI?
10 million
Know all the new nations formed (9 total)
- Finland
- Austria
- Hungary
- Yugoslavia
- Czechoslovakia
- Poland
- Lithuania
- Estonia
- Latvia
Describe the League of Nations:
- introduced by Woodrow Wilson, but the US did not join it
- became an isolationist country - the goal was to solve issues to stop wars from ocurring
- they had no military might to enforce decisions
- France was afraid Germany would rise to power again
- the french had a very strict enforcement of the treaty
- Germany was 33 billion dollars in debt
Describe Germany’s plight with paying their debt:
they literally could not pay it
someone had the bright idea to just print more money
the value of the German marx dropped so low
it was legit impossible to pay back the debt
describe the Dawes Plan:
Germany was not ever going to be able to pay back the debt
- the plan says that they will pay over time in feasible amounts
- it redid reparation debt so Germany could pay
- lowered the price
- The US invested in Germany to allow Germany to rebuild and pay debt
- pay the US back later
Describe the hopeful years:
- due to the economy prospering and the foreign relations improving, countries seemed to get along better and goods were put back into production
Describe the Treaty Locarno:
France, Belgium, and Germany corrected their borders to their likings in 1925. New borders were guaranteed. It brought hope to people that peace was reestablished. In 1926, Germany joined the League of Nations
What was the goal of the Kellogg-Briand Pact
outlaw war
What were the rules of the Kellogg-Briand Pact?
62 countries signed it and solved problems through negotiations
- no punishment for breaking pact
- good on paper, hard to maintain
- western powers had to coexist
- russia brought in to make decisions
- it looked like things were getting better
- prosperity between countries and rebuilding
Describe the Roaring 20s in Europe:
They were different than in the US. Europe is hopeful for the future and celebrated. Ideas that were popular became popular again. Clubs, theater, and consumer goods. After WWI, women were more free. They pushed the boundaries of style and tried to hang on to independence from the war. Prosperity relied on US investment. Profits went up, wages stayed the same.
Describe the Age of Anxiety:
Economic Crisis isn’t solved
Unemployment and inflation rise in Europe
The establishment of communist parties and the Third Communist International ->Russia put out propaganda through Europe saying that Russia will support communist countries
Russian revolution was spreading to other countries
Art, science, and math progress
Define existentialism:
The world is a place of terror and uncertainty, where humans search for moral values
Who were Jean Paul Sartre, T.S. Elliott, and Gertrude Stein?
- Jean Paul Sartre: He believed in being and nothingness. He believed that humans still had to act, it was the only way to address the absurdity of life; he said humans were not progressing, they just thought they were. Humans live in a meaningless, hostile world
- T.S. Elliott: wrote “The Wasteland” and “Hollow Men” about isolation and hopelessness
- Gertrude Stein: he coined the phrase “the lost generation”
Describe German expressionists:
they focused on suffering and shattered lives caused by war
Define Dadaism and Surrealism:
Dadaism: Dadamus’s form of art where he attempted to focus on the purposelessness of life
Surrealism: reality beyond material, sensible world and found it in the world of unconscious through the portrayal of fantasies, dreams, and/or nightmares
Who was Salvador Dali?
a painter who mainly painted realistic images in dream settings (fog)
Describe political and economic changes in America in the 1920s:
America had 3 different presidents:
1. Warren G. Harding
2. Calvin Coolidge
3. Herbert Hoover
The US also adopted the laissez-faire policy.
Farmers, native americans, and african americans didn’t experience prosperity
What is the laissez-faire policy?
let things take their own course, -> no government interference in the economy
What was the 18th amendment?
consumption and production of alcohol is prohibited
What was the 19th amendment?
women’s suffrage
Describe the role of women during the 1920s.
Many women joined the workforce. They faced discrimination and low wages. Rebellious, independent women were given the name of “flappers”
Who were flappers? Give characteristics:
Flappers were nicknames given to modern and rebellious women. They had short haircuts, short skirts, visited speakeasies, danced, and wanted the same freedoms as men
Describe the following: Scopes Trial, Red Scare, Klu Klux Klan, and the Harlem Renaissance
Scopes Trial: In 1925, John Scopes taught the theory of evolution and he was convicted and charged 100 dollars. It symbolized tension between change and traditional beliefs and values
Red Scare: fear that communists would take over the US as in Russia
Klu Klux Klan - against Jews, Africans, Catholics, immigrants ->victims of mob lynches and racial prejudice
The Harlem Renaissance: Rebirth in African American culture and pride that began in Harlem, NY. Art and literature were affected. Langston Hughes -> famous writer.
What ended the Roaring 20s in America?
Stock Market Crash
Describe the 1929 Stock Market Crash:
It was the end of the Roaring 20s in America. American investors pulled their money out of Europe and put it in the stock market. Trade slowed down, industrialists cut production, unemployment rose, and banks failed. In the US and Europe, the economy shut down and the companies went bankrupt.
What effect did the Stock market Crash have on Europe?
The economy shut down. Companies went bankrupt. One out of every 4 English workers were unemployed. It increased government activity in the economy. They renewed interest in the Marxist Doctrine. Communist revolutions occurred. Dictators and fascism rose.
Famous candy bar invented in the 1920s? Fad of the 1920s? Popular sport of the 1920s/
Candy bar: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
Fad: dance marathons, Maj Kongg Chinese tile game, crosswords, and flagpole sitting
Popular sport: boxing, football, baseball, basketball