World War 2: Part 1 Flashcards
The systematic murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany during WW2; comes from a Greek word meaning “sacrifice by burning”, become a part of the English language in the 1950s
The deliberate annihilation of an entire race
Hatred of the Jews
Persecution of the Jews
Attacks on the street by troopers
yellow star
Nuremberg Laws
Took citizenship away from Jews
Banned marriage
no voting or holding public office
banned from practicing law and medicine
Half of the Jews were homeless
“The night of broken glass”, Violence against the Jews culminated on the night of Nov. 9, 1938
Jewish Refugees Flees
1933-1939, More than 350,000 escaped from Nazi Germany, many countries refused them entry, can’t take more than $4.
SS mobile killing units, sent into Germany to round of Jews, Forced to dig pits that would be their grave once they shot them.
Rounded up and herded into ghettos until the final solution, Late Oct. 1939, Sections of the city, sealed off with brick walls and barbed wire, Police guards, controlled, terrible conditions, 300 ghettos,
Warsaw, Poland
1943, uprising, young group of Jewish leaders organized it, fought Germans for 4 weeks but lost
The Final Solution
Jan. 20th, 1942, complete extermination of the Jews
Concentration Camps
Jews were sent to work slave labor until they died of exhaustion and starvation, food rations
Extermination Camps
exterminated by poison gas and burned in the crematoria
Transported to these camps by tightly packed cattle cars, no food, water, and lack of air
Clothing and belongings were taken, heads shaved, tattooed numbers
Starvation, disease, lice, freezing temperatures, scientific experiments, surgeries without sleeping gas, poisonous gas in showers, bodies burned
Nuremberg Trials
Several Nazi leaders committed suicide, 22 Nazis to trail, Crimes against peace, War Crimes, Crimes against humanity, 12 sentenced to death, 7 life in prison, 3 acquitted in few years, 177 for various crimes
How many killed?
6 million, 2/3
Displaced person camps were made for the Jews who didn’t have a home anymore.
Land of their forefathers
United nations voted for the Jews to return to the land of their forefathers and reestablish a homeland in the land Palestine.
May 1948
Israel declared its independence
War Bonds
Citizens bought war bonds to fund the war and in return the less expensive stamps could be redeemed for a bond.
Working in factories was very important to helping in the war. Most men entered into the war, so women mostly took over in the factory.
Rosie the Riveter.
Rationing was in order for the soldiers to not run out of essential supplies, SAVING, RECYCLING, RATIONING
Ration Cards
Limit their purchases of certain groceries like cheese, meat, butter, sugar, and gasoline.
Ration Coupons
when an item was purchases, the coupon had to be turned in along with it
Victory Gardens
Encouraged growing vegetables at home
Scrap Drives
Collect scrap metals, glass and rubber to use in the war effort.
The Battle of the Atlantic
Get control of the Atlantic ocean meant a higher % of victory. Traveling on boat was dangerous due to U-boats, When American entered the war the battle turned
Wolf Packs
U-boats traveling in a group
Germany’s code system
Iron Coffins
The Germans submarines, 70% in subs had died.
Operation Barbarossa
The soviet Union and Germany had a non-aggression pact, but Hitler broke it and invaded them. He wanted the resourced in their land. However, when winter came they were not prepared. The Germans had on summer uniforms, had run out of food and supplies, and no shelter. The Germans lost once they surrounded them.
3 Cities taken over
Leningrad, Moscow, Ukraine
Lasted 2.5 years, Blockade around the city, while fighting the citizens starved in the winter with no fuel or food.
Took all the oil, grain fields and industrial might. Soviet leadership suggested they retreat since the capital city was under siege, but Stalin insisted they stay. Soviets were taken prisoner.
Wanted to conquer and destroy the capitol.
Scorched earth policy
When forced to withdraw, the Red army should destroy anything the enemy could use
The Battle of Stalingrad
September 1942- February 1943, a turning point for the allies
Encircled the city
Intense period
Moved the fighting into the city itself