The New Deal: Unit 1 Flashcards
New Deal
FDR’s programs that were passed by congress, i an effort to end the Great Depression and reform the nations economy
Following Problems
Stock Market
Those in debt
Farm crisis
Industrial Recovery
Election of 1932
Herbert Hoover vs Franklin Delano Roosevelt
FDR won by a landslide
20th Amendment
Inauguration day was changed to January 20th made in 1933
Lame Duck
The period in between November and January
21st Amendment
Prohibition is repealed, selling and drinking of alcohol
Roosevelts Background
5th cousin of former president Teddy Roosevelt
Wealthy upbringing; only child
Educated at Harvard
Eleanor Roosevelt (related, last name)
Only president to be elected 4 times
Governor of New York
Only president to serve in a wheel-chair, from polio
Famous Inauguration Speech quote
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
Franklin and Eleanor political partnership
Involved in presidency, involved first lady.
Help in speeches, advice, etc.
Powerful force
Solve social issues
First lady
Brain Trust
Economic experts who helped FDR develop his New Deal Plan
Frances Perkins
1st women to be selected by the president
Secretary of labor
FDR Philosophy
Government responsibility to help citizens
Increase taxes for the working to give money to the unemployed
Government-funded public work, to those unemployed
First 100 Days
Congress gave free-reign and rubber-stamped his proposals during the first days
15 major acts…never been done before
FDR’s first New Deal action
Saving the banks
1. Bank “holiday”, closing banks for 8 days
2. Emergency banking relief act-inspected each bank
3. 1 million was given back
Fireside Chats
Spoke to the American people on a radio
Alphabet Soup
The first letter of the word, New Deal programs
3 Major goals of the New Deal
- Relief for the unemployed; intermediate assistance
- Recovery, plans for economy
- Reforms to prevent depression
Emergency Banking Relief Act (Bank Holiday)
Problem- Bank runs caused approx. 11,000 banks to fall by 1933. The public lost confidence in the banks.
Did- Closed all banks for 8 days and required that a federal audit of each banks books to verify if they were sound. FDR announced that only sound banks would reopen
CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)
Problem- Immediately provide work, 250,000 young men
Did- Re-creation or conservation projects, Planting trees, reservoirs, fires, etc.
TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)
Problem- Underdevelopment of south, High unemployment
Did- Built 30 dams and power plants in 9 states, River to provide electricity and food, modern farming techniques
NIRA (National Industry Recovery Act)
Problems- Overproduction, Factory closings, Low wages
Solution- Regulate industry, Create scarcity of products, higher prices, Higher wages, Higher profits
PWA (Public Works Administration)
Problems- Unemployment
Solution- Construction projects, Highways, dams, bridges, sewer, etc.,Required to hire African Americans
AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act)
Problems- Farming overproduction, Low demand
Solution- Farmers received subsided in exchange for limiting production, 7 basic farm products: Wheat, cotton, corn, tobaccos, rice, hogs, and milk
FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corps)
Problems- Bank runs
Solution- Depositors savings, The government insures your savings
FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Act)
Problems- Unemployment, lack of money
Solution- Giving help to large number of jobless Americans, Direct relief payments
HOLC (Home Owners Loan Corp)
Problems- Foreclosure, losing home or farm
Solution- Refinancing homes, Long term loans, Lower payments
FHA (Federal Housing Administration)
Problems- Hooverville’s, Cant afford housing
Solution- Provided loans for renovating, repairing, or building
SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)
Problems- Stock market crash
Solution- Enforce new regulations on stock market, Protect investors from fraud and deception
WPA (Works Progress Administration)
Problems- Unemployment
Solution- Work relief programs, Manual construction, intellectual projects, projects for specific talents
NLRA (National Labor Relations Act)
Problems- Labor disputes
Solution- Protected workers rights, No fear of punishment, Legalized collective strikes, Put federal gov’t in the mix to help labor relations
SSA (Social Security Act/Administration)
Problems- Widespread poverty among senior citizens
Solution- Pensions for retired people, Unemployment insurance to be funded by employers, Public assistance program for dependent mothers and disabled people
REA (Rural Electrification Administration)
Problems- Supply electricity to rural communities
Solution- 2nd deal program
98% of American farms provided with electricity
FSA (Farm Security Administration)
Problems- Dust bowl
Solution- Helped purchase land, Camps for migrant workers
FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act)
Problems- Labor disputes (low wage), long hours
Solution- Helped get higher wages, Max:40 hours/week, Abolished child labor
Unfavorable opinion
After 2 years of the New Deal, how many were still unemployed?
10 million people were still unemployed
Where was Huey Long from? Nickname?
Nickname: Kingfish
Name of Huey’s program
Share our wealth
Goals of share our wealth
$5,000 for a house annual income of 2,500
Redistribution of Wealth
Put heavy taxes on the rich and use the money to give to the poor
How much tax would Huey put on income over 1 mill a year?
100% tax on income
Huey Long’s song called what?
Every Man a King
What happened the Huey Long?
He got assassinated
What method did Father Charles Coughlin use to get his message across?
Where was Father Coughlin from and what was his nickname?
Originally from Canada and moved to Detroit Michigan
Nickname: Radio priest
How many weekly listeners did he have?
45 million
Coughlin wanted to curb the power of nation’s ___ and have a government takeover of major _
Eventually, Charles Coughlin became very radical in his radio speeches nd lost popularity when he endorsed _.
Adolf Hitler
The Catholic Church ordered him to stop all political activities and banned him from the radio
Francis Townsend was a _ who lost everything in the Great Depression.
What were the demands of Francis Townsend and his followers?
A pension of $200 per month provided by taxes
New Deal was not doing enough for who?
Where would the old age pension come from?
What were 2 conditions of receiving the money?
- Retire at 60/be retired
- Spend it within a month
4 beliefs of the American Liberty League and conservations
- Favored lower taxes and lower debt
- Believed Federal gov’t was spending too much
- Believed Roosevelt was gaining too much power
- Accused the New Deal of leading to socialism
Who won the election of 1936?
The holder of an office or post who’s going to run again.
Court-packing plan
Allow FDR to appoint 6 new deal justices to the supreme court who he hoped would “rubber stamp” all of his new deal programs
Results of court-packing plan
Unfairly trying to control the supreme court
FDR lost popularity
Was the New Deal promise of Relief, Recovery, and Reform met?
Relief- yes, helped millions from the gov’t, money or jobs
Recovery- No, unemployed was high, stock market wasn’t recovering
Reform- Somewhat, New Deal could really work or fell flat
How did the New Deal change the role of government?
The federal government assumed responsibility for managing the economy.
How did the New Deal change the relationship between the American people and their government forever?
The federal government changed because they began to help citizens regularly. For how much they helped, they were both praised and hated.
How does this affect the American Dream?
People began to loose hope in the American Dream.
How did the New Deal come to an end?
Lost support due to the Court-packing plan
2 million more jobs were lost, stock market took a dip.
1938 midterm elections-republicans in both houses
New Deal ended in 1938
Americans turned their attention to WW2 factories reopened