world war 1 Flashcards
years of world war 1?
years with us involvement?
us- 1917-1918
WW1 and WW2 are…
same war with a long halftime
what does ww1 accomplish?
nothing. there is a ww2
4 allies (frub)
and 4 central powers (gobah)
central powers:
austria hungary
ottoman empire
4 main CAUSES of ww1
militarism- all believe their country is the best, need a bigger military. all the great powers have large empires that need to be protected.
alliance system- an attack on 1 is an attack on all.
imperialism- all the great powers had empires for their use of new markets. believed they should expand them.
nationalism- extreme belief your country is the best. conquer those who aren’t like you. colonies wanted independence from the great powers.
is ww1 a true world war?
what is imperialism
building an empire
describe the SPARK that starts the war.
- the assassination of archduke franz Ferdinand. he is the next in line to the Austria-Hungarian throne.
- bosnia is a colony of A-H
- 700 years ago bosnia is part of the serbian empire. in 1914 they wanted to join again.
- serbian nationalist princes assinated the archduke in bosnia. wanted serbia and bosnia to be 1 country again.
who was assisnated to spark ww1?
who pulled the trigger?
archduke franz ferdinand
after the assassination, why was this not a war between austria hungary and serbia?
alliance system
by the spring of 1915 what was built?
what is no mans land?
-2 parallel trenches. rat infested and muddy
-an empty expanse of land with barbed wire. between the trenches.
during the first battle of somme in 1916, what were the final combined casualties?
1.2 million.
2 reasons the us got involved in the war.
britain started to lose the war. if britiain looses they can’t pay us back.
us goes to war to make sure our loans are repaid
why is the war good for american economy?
we are officially neutral.
america loans large sums of money to britain and they buy us weapons and food.
britains plan is for germany to pay back their debt.
what is the selective service act?
what is the #1 aspect america brought to the war?
why did people volunteer for the war?
enthusiasm and excitement
an adventure
what are the new weapons of this war?
poisen gas
machine gun
flame thrower
heavy artillery
what is communism
soviet union ( russia ) and north korea
share the wealth
everyone is middle class
what is capitalism?
based on private property. ex) my house, land, car, clothing
individuals own most businesses and make most economic decisions
work for the benefit of yourself
gov has little involvement in the economy. one way government is involved is taxes.
how many americans die on the lusitania?
the war started in august of 1914. when did they expect it to end?
how many french casualties were there after the first year?
1 million
where did northern factory owners look for workers?
great migration.
250,000 blacks moved from south to north for jobs
how far did the front move after an attack
abt a mile
what do they do with dead bodies in the trenches?
put them in the bottom to keep feet dry or on top so they could stand up.
what would have been the perfect soldier for this war?
someone with no imagination
what is the psychological injury from this war?
shell shock/ ptsd
how many british died in the battle of somme after 1 day? how many wounded?
dead- 20,000
wounded- 40,000
how many causalities for the allie’s at the battle of somme? how many miles did the front move?
1 million
5 miles
the men that were drafted to WW1 were between the age’s ____ and ____
21 and 30
what does segregated mean
seperated by race
3 examples of how the food administration tried to ration food
wheatley’s mondays
meatless tuesday
porkless thursdays
what was a way to conserve fuel during WW1 that is still used today?
daylight savings time
don’t turn the lights on when u get home from work. use less energy
the us had to pay for the war. they raised taxes on individuals and on business. how else did they raise money? how do these work?
gov borrowed over 20 billion from the american people by selling bonds. by buying the bonds americans were loaning the gov money *interest
why were so many women doing the jobs that were once only held by men
all the men were fighting in the war
3 things america changed because of their dislike toward germany
- drop language classe
- sour craut to liberty cabbage
- stop playing german music
how many allied troops had entered German territory by 1918
what is an armistice.
when did Germany sign the armistice
cease fire
what day is veterans day. what does it celebrate
celebrates men who survived war
how many total deaths of WW1
how many were civilians
how many more wounded
how many americans deaths
20 million
20 million
110,000 we joined late
what is the treaty of versailles
officially ends WW1
what did France and England want to do Germany after the war
punish them
what is the league of nations
peace keeping organization
our idea and we don’t join it
war and guilt clause
Germany started the war and it’s their fault
size of germany’s army after the war
take it away. no military
war reparations
germany has to pay allies for the war
33 billion == economic depression
land lost by germany
looses their empire
failures of the versailles treaty
should have been abt peace but was abt punishment. seeds for WW2 were planted at versailles
what is communism
laissez faire
economic systems
what is socialism
government has some control
private property and private business
why are grandparents the biggest socialists?
social security and medicare.
try to benefit everyone through a welfare system. use tax payer money to level the playing field
schools/public education
free/reduced lunch
social security
laissez faire
no government involvement in the economy
no country in the world for laissez faire