civil rights Flashcards
years of the civil war?
who wins?
years of the civil rights movement?
north wins
almost 100 years after fighting for slavery to end the civil rights movement starts.
civil rights definition
the rights of citizens to political(voting) and social (segregation) freedom and equality
what is slavery based on?
what percent owned slaves?
how many supported?
5 % owned
95 % supported
white supremacy
civil war recap:
civil war brings and end to slavery but white supremacy will continue
south feeling towards civil war
“the lost cause”
the south lost but they fought for a just cause
where is the federal government
washington dc
states rights vs federal government
states rights(south)
pro slavery/pro segregation
federal government(north)
end slavery/ end segregation
13 amendment
abolish slavery
14th amendment
US citizens
15th amendment
right to vote
what do the 13, 14, and 15th amendment have in common?
civil war amendments
most segregated city today?
what is lynching
why was it used?
illegal hanging
*scare the black community
literacy test and poll tax
literacy test: had to read to vote. many blacks could not read. blacks got harder questions than whites
poll tax: pay to vote. blacks had no money
prevent blacks from voting
segregation definition + purpose
to remind blacks everyday they are second class citizens
De Jure vs De Facto segregation
de jure: segregation by law
easier to end
de facto: segregation by chance/habit
secretary + janitors
plessy vs ferguson
“separate but equal”
segregation is now legal
tulsas massacre
largest race massacre
300 people killed
“Double V”
1) Victory in WW2
2) Victory at home=civil rights/equality
WW2 and Jackie Robinson
fought ww2 to bring democracy to the world. blacks fought.
baseball player
most popular sport
represents change in america
jim crow laws
segregation laws
restaurants, busses, schools
what is a precedent
prior ruling
brown v board of education
segregation in schools is over
precedent is now set
*beginning of the end of segregation
without television the civil rights movement wouldn’t have happened at this time
Montgomery bus boycott
rosa parks
381 days
60%of bus riders are black and refuse to ride the bus
economic boycott
bussing segregation is over
MLK jr
civil rights leader
peaceful and nonviolent protest
doesn’t want to be seen as an agressor/violent
little rock 9
time limit to desegregate schools?
try to desegregate little rock highschool
101st airborne escorts kids to school
but 9 black kids into a high school
all deliberate speed
young people and the civil rights movement
2 reasons why they lead:
young lead the civil rights movement
1) young and dumb
2) little responsibility to others
sit ins
desegregate restaurants
james meredith
first black student to attend ole miss
2 people killed due to riots of JM attending ole miss
march to washington
“i have a dream speech”
putting pressure on congress to get civil rights bill passed
civil rights act of 1964
segregation is now illegal in all public spaces
dejure segregation is over
freedom summer
register blacks to vote in the south
3 civil rights workers are killed by KKK/police
voting rights act of 1965
fed gov will now protect all voters
Malcolm X
civil rights leader
supports violent “eye for eye” protests
black power
proud to be black
redlining + white flight
“white flight”
white people moved out of the city and took wealth with them. city becomes the ghetto
refusal to give someone a loan in a certain area because of their race
black panthers
protection from police brutality
kings death
where and who
memphis tn
james earl ray
civil rights act 1968
ends redlining
end of the civil rights (2 reasons)
1) kings death
2) white people believe they have done enough
3 failures of civil rights
1) doesn’t solve defacto segregation
3) poverty/economics
purpose of the freedom riders? what reaction did they want?
enforce desegregation on busses
violent reaction
what happen to the first bus at the alabama state line? then the second at anniston alabama
1) get beaten
2) get bombed / blew up
when new volunteers became freedom riders what police protection did they get? what does kennedy finally do?
fed gov will protect them
why was birmingham called bombingham
60 bombings
what happens to children who march with MLK? why do they march instead of adults?
fill the jails
how does bull dinner inadvertently help the civil rights movement
uses fire hoses and police dogs
caught on tv
what does kennedy decide needs to be done to end racial violence in the south?
wants a civil rights bill passed