cold war Flashcards
why do some historians argue that WW11 didn’t really end until 1990?
the US fought to bring democracy/ freedom to all of Europe. eastern Europe does not get democracy until 1990.
Yalta Conference
Germany and Berlin will be split into 4 temporary zones. all 3 countries agree to create and join the United Nations.
why couldn’t the US and Soviet Union get along after WW11
1) our economic- private property vs shearing the wealth
2) political systems- democracy vs dictator
What is a cold war?
a war where no shots are fired
Who was the cold war between? How long did it last?
US and Soviet Union
3 aspects of the cold war
1) arms race- best military and weapons
2) space race- who can get to the moon first
3) olympics- whoever won more gold medals
why did communism look good in europe and asia after WW11
everyone is guaranteed something
Soviet Communism vs American t (economic systems)
-share the wealth
-everyone is middle class
-no private property
-government makes all economic decisions, owns all businesses
-no business competition
-work for the benefit of each other
-guaranteed something
-poor support it
-no basic freedoms
* people in communism are not free because no freedom to make economic decisions, government is always a dictatorship
-based on private property
-individuals own most businesses and make economic decisions
-work for the benefit of yourself
-rich support
-guaranteed nothing
- basic freedoms: freedom of speech and religion
*people in capitalism are said to be free because they can make economic decisions and have a democracy for a government
- in capitalism you have a democracy: president, free election
United Nations
Security Council
eastern europe will become stallins buffer zone against future invasions
-peace keeping organization
-created in 1945, is in NY
security council-
5 permanent members~> veto power
-Soviet Union(C)
the US policy to stop the spread of communism
what is the iron curtain
imaginary line that separates east and west Europe
communism countries are behind the iron curtain(not free)
ex) poland and east germany
truman doctrine
makes US the worlds police
marshall plan
why (3 reasons)
we spend 13 billion into western europe
1) generous
2) don’t want repeat of WW1/hitler
3) stop the spread of communism
Berlin aircraft
3 choices, year, backround
-berlin is in east germany
- stalin blockades all roads into west berlin
3 choices:
-leave west berlin~> communism spreads
-start WW111
-keep the city alive by air, the airlift works, communism stops and west berlin is saved
-US, canada, western europe
-attack on one is an attack on all
Warsaw Pact
- Soviet Union and Eastern Europe Alliance
-attack on one is an attack on all
Chaing Kai-Shek
Mao Zedong
Communist Leader
Year of shocks
1) russians get the A bomb
2) china falls into communism
cause of korean war?
contain communism
what divides north and south korea?
38th parallel
What government types do north and south korea have?
North- communist
South- democratic
what did the soviet union say the United States would do if a war broke out?
The US would not fight to defend south korea
who attacked whom to start the Korean War
north korea attacks south korea. suprise attack
when there was a vote at the united nations, why didn’t the soviet union say no to military action
they were boycotting
How many troops and nations got involved in the korean war? What percent were american troops
16 nations
520,000 troops
korean war: where did macarthur execute his surprise landing
was it successful?
in korea’s west coast
Korean war: In late November, how far has UN troops advanced and what other country got involved in the war?
yalu river.
border between north korea and china
korean war: by january 1951, how far south had UN been driven?
completely out of north korea
what does MacArthur think the US should do with china and with what
use nuclear weapons against chinese cities
korean war: by april of 1951, where was the battle line?
back to the 38th parallel
korean war:
when did peace talks begin?
when was the armistice signed?
peace talks: July 1951
Armistice: July 1953
what is a demilitarized zone
an area/region with no military forces
how many lives and money did the korean war cost the US
$67 billion
54,000 american lives
IMO, was there korean war successful?
lost many lives and money
north korea was still communist
where is berlin?
east germany
what is consumerism
the more u buy, the better your life is
what is conformity
do the same thing everyone else does
castro and cuba
1956 fidel castro intends to topple a corrupt dictator named bastista
castro wins and promises democracy
he turns cuba communist
in response, congress puts a trade embargo on cuba. (still today)
castro gets help from soviet union
2 problems with kennedy
1) too young
2) catholic
what boom transformed life in the 1950s and america become a consumer society
white collar vs blue collar
white collar- buisness men, suits, shirt and tie
blue collar- manual labor
what was the place of a woman in the 50s
in the home
importance of marriage in the 50s
average age of marriage then vs now
couple society ; still is
boy: 21
girl: 19
T or F: conformity was important elements of culture in the 50s
3 popular 50’s TV networks
who was hugh hephners first playboy centerfold
marilyn monroe
who is the king of rock and roll?
why was rock and roll threatening to society?
elvis presley
devils music
what is the largest public works project in american history? reason?
interstate highway system
military reasons
crosses state lines
odd- EAST + WEST
impact of nuclear testing on american soldiers in arizona
many died of cancer
fallout is radioactive
first satélite? who launched it? impact on america?
sputnik by soviet union
went beep beep beep
size of basketball
also put first man into space
US freaked out thinking we were falling behind. we were only 3 weeks behind.
what did they do during nuclear bomb training?
duck and cover
didn’t do anything but gave hope
joseph mcCarthy/ mcCarthyism
a witch hunt for communists
who is castro?
dictator of cuba
kennedy and election of 1960:
-2 problems
-jfk vs nixon
-first what…
1) too young
2) catholic
first presidential debate
(was televised)
kennedy wins on tv, but lost on radio
bay of pigs
april 1961
bay in cuba
goal is to overthrow castro > total failure
berlin wall and brain drain
half the city is a democracy behind the iron curtain
doctors , engineers, scientists were leaving communism to get paid more = brain drain = 3 mil people left
solution: build a wall around west
wall is built to keep west berlin people in. symbol of cold war 
cuban missle crisis
3 options and solution
1) allow the missles / do nothing = appeasement
2) invade cuba > start WW111
3) put a blockade around cuba ***
soviets are giving cuba missles
soviet union promises to pull the missles out and we promise not to invade cuba
1 problem in the soviet union in 1980 and the leader
what caused the soviet union to collapse
we outspend them
is the korean war still officially going on?
years of the korean war?
date and place of death for kennedy
november 22, 1963
dallas texas
dealy plaza
lee harvey oswald
-where does he work
-political view
accused gunman
works as TSDB
learns how to shoot in the military
known communist
warren commission
investigated the murder
final: oswald acted alone
single bullet theory
magic bullet
left right up down
where was oswald’s gun found? what was found w it?
6th floor
3 shell casings
who is jack ruby
kills oswald
name of the only film that has the assassination from start to finish
zapruder film
building where kennedy was assassinated?
what floor?
texas school book depository building
who rode in front of kennedy on the assassination
gov john connolly
grassy knoll
possible location of second shooter
back and to the left
what is a conspiracy theory
2 or more people involved
you don’t need evidence
autopsy photos
original photos have never been released
movie JFK
people use this movie as fact there is a conspiracy
linden b johnson
VP who becomes president
how many believe in a conspiracy ?
what are the 3 common ones?
-oswald is a communist
-payback for the bay of pigs
-lbj and the cia want a war in vietnam, kennedy did not
-jack ruby has mafia ties
-mafia helps JFK get elected, jfk tríes to destroy the mafia
who is accused gunman of kennedy murder
lee harvey oswald