World Religions Week 32 Flashcards
principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong and good and bad behavior, system of values and principles of conduct held by person or society, extent to which action is right or wrong
Everyone has a view of ______
We do not have the ______ view of morality
Marxist worldview would teach…
whatever works is good
Freudian worldview claims…
whatever feels good is right
Existential worldview
views themselves as accountable to no one
Humanistic worldview
does not claim existence or reality of morality
Humanism does not…
feature belief in God, so man is the ultimate authority, so no right or wrong
First assumption is that morality is a _____ concept
First assumption is that morality is ___
All other assumptions are built on idea that…
morality is relative
The claim that morality is relative is not…
a pass to be accountable for a moral action
People do not want to be held accountable for actions so they…
find people or leaders that share their views
We should be careful to…
understand Scripture in entirety and not pick out just the convenient things
First obligation is to…
study Word of God so that we are living properly and teaching
First assumption of morality is “that’s your _____”
opinion, treats moral statement as preference claim
Second assumption is “Don’t force your ______ on me”
Morality, actually other way around, the person saying that is doing the thing they are saying not to do
Thing that is accepted as true without proof, action of taking on power or responsibility
Ultimate goal is not to win debate but to…
rightfully divide Bible and point people to Christ
One key to picking up on moral assumption is _____
Listen for _______
Statement of pro-life
wrong to kill innocent life, abortion kills innocent life, so abortion wrong
Science of embryology
At the moment of conception you are human being
Science is used for facts, but _____ is used for morality
Four differences that separate you from unborn child are…
SLED - Size, Level of Development, Environment, Degree of Dependency
Pro-choice arguments
- My body, my choice, assumes unborn child is not human
- There are people starving, if already people starving, don’t need more people to feed
- There are children that need adopting, are you going to adopt