World Religions Week 24 Flashcards
Islam has a ________ view
Pillar One
Shahada, no god but allah and messenger Muhammad
Pillar Two
Salat, prayer five times a day
Pillar Three
Zakat, alms or annual tithe
Pillar Four
Sawm/Siyam is participation in annual Ramadan fast
Pillar Five
Hajj, pilgrimage to Mecca
Following five pillar is…
Jihad means…
to struggle or strive, holy war
Two types of Jihads are
Greater and Lesser
Greater Jihad
Ongoing struggle to remain faithful and avoid temptations
Lesser Jihad
Struggle is physical and can respond with violence to a direct attack, carried out in legal and appropriate manner
Islam requires service to Allah through ______ when needed
Extremists like ___________ presented attack to justify violence in name of Islam
Usama Bin Ladin
Five times of prayer are…
dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, evening
During prayer…
opening chapter of Quran is recited and other sections of one’s choosing
Common to point prayer mat toward ______
______ and ________ are often sacred events
rituals and festivals
Ramadan takes place during _____ month on calendar
Ramadan’s importance lies in teaching …
self discipline and self control
veil worn by Muslim women to show modesty
_______ places of worship considered sacred
First mosque is building known as
the Prophets house
serve as prayer locations but are not limited
Most well known collection of list of qualities of Allah is
known as ninety nine names of Allah
Muslims view Jesus as just…
a prophet, although they believe was born of virgin
Main difference is death of Jesus…
They believe Jesus was switched with another who resembled him