World Religions Flashcards
What is religion?
An organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or group of gods.
How many religions in the world?
> 4,000
What is the breakup in the world of Christian/Islam/Hinduism/Buddism/other/agnostic and where are they at in the world?
Most prevalent Polytheistic religion?
What is the the oldest religion in the world?
When was Muhammad born and where?
570 CE in city of Mecca in Arabia
What are the four important texts to Islam?
Torah - First 5 books of moses
Zabur (Psalms)
Injil (Gospel) which was lost
How did Muhammad get the Quran?
Revealed to Muhammad from angel Gabriel over 23 years
What are the two branches of Islam? Why?
Sunni – Believe his father in law voted successor is rightful leader. 80-90% of islams are Sunni
Shia – Believe His son in Law is successor
What are the Hadith?
attributed reports about what Muhammad said and did
What is the name for the creator God in Hinduism?
What does Avatar mean in Hinduism?
Means Descent. Gods that descend to earth to intervene to restore Dharma
What three belief systems were combined to form Chinese Folk Religion?
Buddism, Taoism, and Confucianism
What is the other name for Budda?
Siddhartha Gautama
When did Buddism originate and where?
South Asia in 500 BC
What religion is the Dalai Lama from?
Dalai Lama is the foremost spiritual leader of the Gelug from the school of Tibetan Buddhism (The newest and most dominant of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddism)
What are the four noble truths of Buddism?
Life is suffering (Dissatisfaction actually)
The truth of the cause of suffering
There is an end to suffering
The truth of the path leading to the end of suffering
What is the Noble 8 fold Path?
○ Right View - accept the 4 noble truths
○ Right Thought - avoid negative thoughts
○ Right Speech
○ Right Act
○ Right Livelihood
○ Right Effort
○ Right Mindfulness
Right Concentration
When is origin of Zorastrianism?
650 BC
Who is the savior figure in Zorastrianism?
How was the Zorastrianism savior (The Soashyant) said to come to earth?
He will be born to a virgin mother to save all people
What is the name of Zorastrian God?
Ahura Mazda