The Book of Moses Flashcards
Where does the Book of Moses come from?
Moses 1 is a revelation given to Joseph Smith.
Moses 2-8 is a Translation of the Bible of Genesis 1:1 - 6:13
When was the Book of Moses Translated?
June 1830 - February 1831
In Moses 1 what is a key difference in how God and Satan Approached Moses?
Moses 1:4 ““And Behold, thou art my son”
Moses 1:12 “ . . . Satan came tempting him, saying: Moses, son of man, worship me””
How is the creation described in Moses in terms of what was created first?
All things were created spiritually first before they were made physically
What details does the Book of Moses add to the story of Genesis Chapter 4 in regards to Cain’s descendants?
Lamech became Master Mahan - master of that great secret which was administered unto Cain by Satan
Irad began to reveal their secret to the sons of Adam.
- Lamech Slays Irad for the oath’s sake.
- Lamech’s house is cursed.
- Daughters rebelled against Lamech.
- Gospel preached