Exodus Flashcards
What is the outline for the Book of Exodus?
1-2: Egypt Oppresses Israel and Moses Escapes
3-4: Moses is Sent to save Israel
5-12: The 10 Plagues of Egypt
13-19: Israel Escapes Egypt and meets God at Mt. Sinai
20-24: God’s Law Given
25-31: God’s Plans for the Tabernacle
32-34: Israel Breaks God’s Law
35-40: Israel Builds the Tabernacle
What is one explanation for how Joseph could have gone from vice-regent in Egypt with prominence of Israelites in Egypt to a generation later not having his name on any records or monuments of Egypt and Israelites becoming enslaved?
Many scholars speculate that Joseph came to power in Egypt while the nation was under domination of the Hyksos people. The Hyksos were Semitic people from lands north and east of Egypt. When Hyksos were overthrown and driven from Egypt the Israelites would fall out of favor and Joseph’s memory purged from all records and monuments.
What happened to Israelites after generation of Joseph died in Egypt?
They were enslaved by a new Pharoah who didn’t know Joseph.
How did the Israelites multiply despite intention of Pharoah to kill all newborn males?
The midwives commanded to kill them did not listen or kill the male born children.
What did the Midwives tell Pharaoh as to why they didn’t kill the men children?
Hebrew women deliver before they get to them.
Which tribe was Moses from?
How did Moses come to be raised by the daughter of Pharaoh?
He was put in the river by his original mother to save him.
How did Moses’ mother send him to Pharoah’s Daughter? Significance?
In an ark of bulrushes.
The same word used as Noah’s Ark. Moses being sent to save the world.
Why did Moses kill an egyptian?
Because the Egyptian was smiting a Hebrew
What are the three things Moses did before being called by God?
Killed the Egyptian
Spoke up when the Hebrews disagreed
Stood up to the bully Shephards at the well
Where did Moses go to get away from Pharoah after he killed the Egyptian?
He went to Midian
Who did Moses marry in Midian?
What was the name of Moses’s Son with Zipporah?
Exodus 3:14
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
Who was the father in Midian whose daughter Moses married? His other name?
His geneology to Abraham?
Reuel. Also known as Jethro
Descendant of Midian who was a son of Abraham and Keturah
How long after Moses left Egypt and had a son until the Pharaoh died?
40 years.
What was Moses’ job in Midian?
He was the keeper of the flocks of Jethro
What mountain did the burning bush with moses occur?
Mount Horeb or mount Sinai
Significance of taking off shoes at burning bush?
No shoes represent no claim to own land you walk on.
Call to humility
A return to Eden. expose nakedness or our weakness to God
Symbolism of burning bush that is not consumed?
Burn away parts of you that need to be destroyed and keep you there.
What are the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Book of Revelations translations of I am that I am?
Hebrew: I will be what I will be
Greek: I am the Being
Latin: I am who I am
Book of Revelation: I am the existing one
Who will get all the gold from the Egyptians when it is time to leave Egypt?
Women shall ask for it.
What are the three signs that the Lord gives to Moses before going back to Egypt that he will use there to convince Pharoah?
His staff becoming a serpent
His hand becoming Leprous and back to normal again when his hand is put into his bosom
River to become blood
Up and down for Rod. Order up, Chaos down on ground snakes.
Center vs periphery: Center is whole hand, periphery is the illness.
Connection to Power vs disconnection: From Gods source of river to Dry land of Pharoah
Who was chosen as a spokesman for Moses?
What tribe is Moses’ brother Aaron from?
In the JST why did the Lord almost kill him?
Because he had not circumcised his son.
Who circumcized Moses’s son?
What was Pharoah’s response to Moses asking him to let his people go the first time?
He gave no more straw for the Hebrews to make bricks so they would have to gather straw themselves. Also they would still have to be able to produce the same number of bricks.
What were the two things Moses wanted to do with the people when leaving Pharaoh for 3 days?
Feast and Sacrifice
Who were the 3 sons of Levi?
Gershon, Kohath, and Merari
Who were the parents of Aaron and Moses?
Amram (Son of Kohath) and Jochebed (His Aunt, so one of Levi’s Daughters)
How old was Aaron when he and Moses went to Egypt and spoke to Pharaoh?
Aaron was 83 years old.
How are Moses and Aaron related
Brothers. Great grandsons of Levi
What were the 10 plagues of Egypt?
- Waters turned to blood
- Frogs
- Lice
- Flies
- Cattle Die
- Boils
- Hailfire
- Locusts
- Darkness for 3 days
- Death of the Firstborn
What miracle did Moses do before the 10 plagues?
Turned Staff into Serpent
Which plagues did pharaoh get no warning for?
3,6,9. Every third time.
Which plague could the Magicians of Egypt not replicate for Pharoah?
Who does the killing in the last plague of Egypt?
God Does
When is the Passover instituted?
Just before the last plague of Egypt
What is leaven bread?
Leavening agent - substance causing expansion of doughs and batters by the release of gases within such mixtures, producing baked products with porous structure. Agents such as air, steam, yeast, baking powder, and baking soda.