World OB Flashcards
Granulosa cell tumor s/s
estrogen producing
- breast tenderness, post- menopausal bleeding, precoucious puberty
- ↑ estrogen –> endometrium hyperplasia–> carcinoma
what is a risk of LEEP
cervical stenosis–> ↓ fertility and pre-term labor
When is symmetric fetal growth restriction seen
early prego problems: infection, chromosomes, genetics, etc
When is asymmetric fetal growth restriction seen
maternal vascular disease
What must you avoid while taking metronidazole
Alcohol+ metro= di-sulfrum reaction
OCPs protect for
benign breast disease
ovarian and endometrial cancer
What is step 1 when you suspect lichen sclerosis
punch biopsy, need to rule out squamous cell cancer
What are the symptoms of uterine rupture
recession of baby during labor (going from + 1–> -3)
severe sudden ab pain
fetal heart rate abnormal
pregos with herpes should do what
prophylactic anti-viral at 36 weeks
Neonatal thyrotoxicosis
maternal graves anti-TSH AB crosses the placenta
*levothyroxine does not cross the placenta
Neonatal thyrotoxicosis Rx
Methimazole and B blocker
usually will self resolve
Most common side effect of tamoxifen
Hot flash
Tamoxifen dangers
endometrial cancer
venous thromboembolism
Endometriosis Rx
Progesterone IUD
Asymptomatic= no treatment
When would a baby need to NOT breastfeed
What does lithium do to babies and when
Ebstein congenital heart abnormality (big LA w/ VSD)
Can a woman use asthma meds in prego
YES! albuterol and steroid inhalers are fine