Naz teaches Amenorrhea Flashcards
What defines amenorrhea
No period for 3 cycles.
OR 6 months
Primary amenorrhea is ?
the absence of menarche by age 16 or 4 years after thelarche.
_______ is the onset of female breast development.
_________ is the onset of androgen-dependent body changes such as growth of axillary and pubic hair, body odor, and acne.
______ is the appearance of pubic hair.
Etiologies of Primary Amenorrhea
Outflow tract abnormalities
Imperforate hymen Transverse vaginal septum Vaginal agenesis Vaginal atresia Testicular feminization Uterine agenesis with vaginal dysgenesis MRKH syndrome
Etiologies of Primary Amenorrhea
End-organ disorders
- Ovarian agenesis
- Gonadal agenesis 46,XX
- Swyer syndrome/gonadal agenesis 46,XY
- Ovarian failure
- Enzymatic defects leading to decreased steroid biosynthesis
- Savage syndrome—ovary fails to respond to FSH and LH
- Turner syndrome
Etiologies of Primary Amenorrhea
Central disorders
Trauma Tuberculosis Sarcoidosis Irradiation Kallmann syndrome—congenital absence of GnRH Pituitary Damage from surgery or radiation therapy Hemosiderosis deposition of iron in pituitary Hypothalamic Local tumor
Swyer syndrome/gonadal agenesis 46,XY is?
congenital absence of the testes in an XY, testes never develop, have normal internal and external female genitalia.
NO estrogen–> will not develop breasts.
phenotypical picture similar to that of ovarian agenesis.
Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome is?
it is Müllerian agenesis
They may have
complete vaginal agenesis and absence of a uterus or partial
vaginal agenesis with a rudimentary uterus and distal vagina.
“female” without uterus and Amenorrhea
Karyotype: testicular feminization, Müllerian agenesis, 46,XY steroid enzyme defects, pure gonadal dysgenesis, or anorchia
androgen insensitivity vs mullerian agenesis
androgen insensitivity will have no pubic hair (they do have testes so go cut em out)
both have blind pouch vagina and breasts
Vaginal atresia is?
where the Müllerian system is developed but the distal vagina is composed of fibrosed tissue.
Describe progesterone challenge
progesterone or oral medroxyprogesterone acetate given.
If sufficient serum estradiol (greater than 50 pg/mL), withdrawal bleeding 2-7 days after the progestin is withdrawn, indicating that the patient’s amenorrhea is due to anovulation.
If no bleeding occurs after withdrawal, then the patient’s amenorrhea is likely to be due to either a) low serum estradiol, b) hypothalamic-pituitary axis dysfunction, c) a nonreactive endometrium or d) a problem with the uterine outflow tract, such as cervical stenosis or uterine synechiae
If no bleeding occurs after progesterone challenge withdrawal, then the patient’s amenorrhea is likely to be due to either ?
a) low serum estradiol
b) hypothalamic-pituitary axis dysfunction
c) a nonreactive endometrium
d) a problem with the uterine outflow tract, such as cervical stenosis or uterine synechiae