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The normal and predictable sequence of sexual maturation proceeds with
breast budding–>
adrenarche (hair growth)–>
a growth spurt–>
then menarche.
menarche is usually at age
body weight of __________- pounds is needed before menses begins
85 to 106
There are two weird critical elements for secondary sexual characteristics:
sleep and optic exposure to sunlight.
______________– is characterized by premature menses before breast and pubic hair development.
McCune Albright Syndrome
______________ occur in 25-35% of females with Mullerian agenesis.
Renal anomalies
Lady who cant pee after labor w/ ab pain
epidural–> bladder not working–> urine dribble
Bladder atony- over full
Temporary and reversible
When do you give rhogam
28- 32 weeks in Rh- mom
After delivery if baby is Rh +
When cant you dilate and evacuate a baby
over 24 weeks
do a vaginal delivery instead
Compare complete vs incomplete abortion
complete: whole baby out
incomplete: bleeding, open os, some fetal parts remain
What do you call pulling a baby out by his feet
internal podalic version
Breech baby
Placenta location where you have to do a c-section
less than 2 cm from os
___________` is the most common abnormal karyotype encountered in spontaneous abortuses,
Autosomal trisomy
accounting for approximately 40-50% of cases.
The risk of developing microcephaly and severe intellectual disability is greatest between ?
eight and 15 weeks gestation.
never seen with doses even exceeding 50 rad at less than eight weeks or greater than 25 weeks gestation.
. The FVL mutation is associated with obstetric complications including ?
stillbirth, preeclampsia, placental abruption and IUGR
Ultrasound criteria for a missed abortion are
a CRL of > 7 mm with no cardiac activity
benign ovarian tumor with ascites and pleural effusion that resolves after resection of the tumor.
meigs syndrome
________________- is the most common risk factor for protraction and/or arrest disorders in the first stage of labor.
Hypocontractile uterine activity
Hypocontractile uterine activity is the most common risk factor for protraction and/or arrest disorders in the ______________
first stage of labor.