World Events, Trends, Leaders Flashcards
Where does the word “nursing” come from?
Derivative of latin word nutrire, meaning “to nourish.”
What is the name of the script discovered in Egypt in the 1870s that dates back to 1550 BC?
The Ebers papyrus
What does the Ebers Papyrus contain? (Oldest preserved medical document)
Over 700 remedies written in hieratic script.
One of the first recorded physicians was:
Imhotep (2900-2800 BC)
Was a priest-physician and after death was worshipped as Egyptian god of medicine.
Babylonian health care guidelines in 1900 BC was called:
Hammurabi’s code-
-contained fee for service, standards quality of care, patient rights, legal regulations for physicians
Which early nation’s beliefs included that disease was punishment or work of evil spirits?
Babylonia- evil spirits
Hebrew- punishment
“Houses for strangers”
Established by Hebrews
Were precursors of hospitals and inns.
What is an iatria?
Similar to outpatient clinics. In Greece in 8th century BC.
Father of modern medicine:
Hippocrates, son of greek priest-physician in BC.
Hippocratic oath
What is nosocomium
Place for the sick
Rome, 390 AD
What is geroncomion?
Home for the aged
Rome, 390 BC
Who helped found the International Red Cross?
Jean Henri Dunant of Switzerland
What does the Geneva Convention Treaty contain
Military hospitals were to be considered safe havens where patients could be cared for.
What are the 7 universal ideals associated with the Red Cross?
Humanity, impartiality, neutrality, Independence voluntary service unity universality
Nurse associated with founding of Red Cross
Clara Barton
Prominent person involved in reform of mental health care:
Dorothea Dix (1800’s)
Superintendent of US army Nurse Corps:
Dorothea Dix
America’s first trained nurse:
Melinda Richards (1841-1930) Enrolled and completed first nsg school in Boston
Margaret Sanger
Distributed birth control, which was illegal in US because of the Comstock Act of 1873.
She is considered founder of Planned Parenthood.
Mary Mahoney
First black nurse to graduate Nursing school on US.
National Black Nurses assoc
Isabel Hampton Robb (3)
1-Wrote text books for nursing .
2-Founding member of American Journal of Nursing
3-estab first grading policies for a nursing school
Early Egyptian Culture beliefs and characteristics (4)
1- belief in afterlife prompted care of body after death
2-Ebers papyrus
3- Priest-physician was important
5- disease considered work of evilspirits
Early Babylonian culture characteristics
1-disease was generally considered work of evil spirits
2- Hammurabi’s code
3- wet nurses faced severe penalties if their patients died
Early Hebrew culture characteristics (4)
1-communicable disease management was important
2- disease was considered to be break in one’s relationship with God
3- xenodochia
4- priest-physician
Early Greek culture characteristics: (3)
1-Hippocratic oath
2- Xenodochia
3- many medical terms are derived from this culture’s mythology
Early Roman culture characteristics: (3)
1- diseases were assoc with gods and goddesses
2- god of healing was Aesculapius
3- military hospitals were numerous
Role of deaconess developed by early Christian church. What was a typical deacon like and what did they do?
Unmarried women,
Visited the sick in their homes- Bringing food, money, prayers, medicine and basic nursing care
Who was the first deaconess?
What roles in todays nursing profession are similar to deaconess?
Parish nurse
And visiting nurse
Fabiola known for:
Founded the first free Christian public hospital in Rome for the sick poor
Helena is known for
Established a geroncomion
Catherine of Sienna is known for:
Organized an ambulance service in Italy
Hildegarde of Bingen
Wrote extensively about causes, symptoms, and cures
Knights of Hospitallers of St John of Jeruselum
Built and staffed a hospital in Jerusalem during the crusades
Knights of St Lazarus
Cared for people with Leprosy
Early middle ages defining characteristics: (3)
1-dark ages
2-increase in urbanization
3- spread of communicable diseases
Defining characteristics of
Late Middle ages (2)
1-male nursing orders developed to care for crusaders and others
2-renewed interest in culture
Martin Luther- 1517 helped start:
The Reformation in Europe
What were the Dark ages of Nursing?
1500’s- women were given option to work in hospitals to avoid jail for theft or prostitution.
Quality of care was poor
The Renaissanced
People became more literate and scientific knowledge expanded rapidly
Industrial Revolution in Europe began around 1750. What was it and how does it relate to healthcare?
People left farms to work in cities at factories. Overcrowding and poor sanitation caused illness.
Many unemployed and lived in poverty.
Cholera, smallpox and typhus
Sairey Gamp
Character in Dickens novel and is considered type character of a nurse in Mid 1800’s. Came to work drunk.
Elizabeth Seton
Established order of nuns in Maryland that affiliated with Sisters of charity.
Catherine McAuley
Founded Sisters of Mercy.
Members of this order founded hospitals and cared for wounded during American Civil War.
American Civil war characteristics:
1-following this war, hospital based nursing schools proliferated
2-first Navy nurses served in this war
Crimean War characteristic (1)
British secretary of war asked Florence Nightingale to go to Scutari and be superintendent of nurses in the war.
Korean War characteristic (2)
1- army nurses were 1st American women to be dispatched to combat zones
2- first war to use MASH units
Persian Gulf war characteristics (1)
Exposure to chemical weapons are believed to have created mysterious symptoms in soldiers
Revolutionary war characteristic (1)
Catholic nuns gave the only formal care in this war
Vietnam war characteristics (4)
1-beneficial effects of improved technology
2-male nurses served
3-Nurse Training Act of 1964 was passes for NLN- accredited nursing programs
4- nurses treated many children with skin and intestinal diseases
Conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan characteristics (1)
Nurses in US contributed books for a nursing library that was nearly destoyed
World war 1 characteristics (2)
1-Army School of Nursing was formed
2-twenty thousand nurses were sent by American Red cross
World war 2 characteristics (4)
1- 20% of nursing workforce served overseas and created acute nursing shortages in US
2-federal funding went to nursing schools instead of hospitals
3-flight Nursing was developed
4- following this war, the Health Amendments Act funded prep for administrative, supervisory ant teaching positions
Florence Nightingale
Major contribution was improved sanitation and nutrition
Frances Payne Bolton
Helped estab US cadet nurse corps through theNurse training act of 1943.
Harriet Tubman
Underground railroad
An institute of study for protestant deaconesses that included nursing training
Lavinia Dock
Influenced independent nursing practice
Lillian D Wald
Estab first public health or visiting nursing, service in Manhattan
Luther Christman
Known in nursing education for the unification model
Mary Breckenridge
Founded Frontier Nursing Service
New England Hospital for women and children
First school of nursing in america; based on Kaisereswerth principles