Influencial Studies About Nursing Flashcards
Goldmark Report of 1923
- Nursing study on labor market after WW1
- Estab standards for nurse education requirements
- Initially evaluated the preparations of nurses for community health
- Recommended endowments to fund nursing education
The Brown Report of 1948
“Nursing for the Future”
- recommended nurse education move from apprenticeships in hospitals to colleges and universities
- National Nursing council for War Service prompted this study
- envisioned changes in nursing to include supervision, administration, teaching and reasearch
Ginzberg Report of 1949
“A Program for the Nursing Professional”
- focus of the study was nursing shortage
- and the use auxiliary personnel
“An Abstract for Action”
Lysaught report
-encouraged career ladders and higher salaries for nurses
Community College Education for Nursing
- compared state board results from various types of programs
Health Professionals education for the Future: Schools in Service to the Nation
- Focused on interdisciplinary education and collaboration
- Study sponsored by Pew Charitable Trusts
Healthy People 2020
- estab goals for health promotion and disease prevention
- included focus on mental health and ecological indicators of health
National Commission on Nursing Study 1981
- Encouraged independent decision making by nurses
- funded in part by American Hospital Assoc
- prompted by nursing shortages in 60s and 70s
National Institute of Medicine study
- Funded by US Dept of Health and Social Services
- study mandated by Nurse training act of 1979
- one result of this study was a national nursing shortage
Pew Health Professions Commission report
- controversial study due to recommendations to close some nursing and medical schools
- encouraged generalists rather than specialists to address national health issues
The study of Credentialing in Nursing: A New Approach
Supported development of a credentialing center for Nursing
The Education of Nursing Technicians (Montag study)
- Published in The Education of Nursing Technicians
- Proposed a continuum of nursing functions: assisting, technical, and professional
Educational Preparation for Nurse Practitioners and Assistants to Nurses
Advocated a Master’s degree for the clinical nurse specialist role
National commission on Nursing Implementation Project 1985
Included a focus on Nursing delivery systems and nursing informatics
The Future of Nursing: Leading change, Advancing Health (2010)
Encouraged transformation to the healthcare system to bring positive change to the nursing profession
What effect did WW1 and WW2 have on nursing?
Moved nursing education from hospital to colleges.
Why didn’t hospitals encourage higher education for nurses in early 1900s?
Little incentive- nurses did other activities like housekeeping
What are competencies that were included in the Pew studies? (4)
1- proving evidence based, clinically competent care
2-practicing preventative healthcare
3-providing culturally sensitive care
4- exhibiting ethical behavior in all professional activities
What does SAFE stand for? What report lists it as a goal?
Standard regulations
Accountability to the public
Flexibility to support a safe and competent workforce
Effective and efficient regulations to promote public safety and welfare
Pew Health Professionals commission report of 1995
Katherine Bauer
Conducted the 1983 National Institute of Medicine study
Esther Lucile Brown
- social anthropologist and director of Dept of Studies in the Professionsp
- first to recommend that professional nursing education no longer take place in hospitals
- envisioned nurses supervising other health care professionals
- envisioned greater involvement in preventative care and acute care rather than routine patient care
Josephine Goldmark
Chief investigator of a study that led to the establishment of theYale University School of Nursing
Inez Hinsvark
Primary researcher for the Study of Credentialing in nursing: a new approach
Jerome Lysaught
Recommended more research in nursing education and practice
Mildred Montag
- findings of her 5 year appeared in her Community College Education for nurses report
- her studies prompted the development and growth of nursing in community colleges
Eli Ginzberg
Economics professor whose report focused on nursing shortage and the need for nurses to conduct further research
Assisting functions (one of functions proposed by Montag)
Simple functions like bed making
On the job training
Nursing assts
Technical functions (one of functions proposed by Montag)
Intermediate functions requiring skill, training and some judgement.
2 yr community colleges- associates
Professional functions (one of functions proposed by Montag)
Complex functions require expert skill and function.
4-5 year colleges. Bachelor degree.