Workshop 3: Channel & User Group Admin | Lesson 6 of 8 | User Groups Flashcards


You are 1 of 5 Workspace Admins for the Sales and Customer Success workspace at your company. You want an efficient way for members to make workspace related requests to Workspace Admins.

What is the best way for members to notify all Workspace Admins?

Members individually @mention the 12 Workspace Admins in the admin request channel.

Members @mention the admin user group in the admin request channel.

Members @mention the Workspace Owner in the admin request channel and they will assign the task to the relevant Workspace Admin.

Members post in the company help channel and indicate urgency with a red dot.


Members @mention the admin user group in the admin request channel.

User groups are an effective way to get in touch with a group quickly. You should create an @admins user group that will notify all Workspace admins at once. Any time you add a new Workspace admin to the user group, they’re also added to the default channels attached to the user group.

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