Works of Scholars Flashcards
Summarise Durkheim’s sociological critique.
- focuses on the idea that religion is not rooted in divine or supernatural but in the social structures of society.
- He would see religion and gods as an expression of the collective over the individual. That the desire for a cohesive society has created a religion that gives individuals common purpose.
- he believes that religion subjects individuals to moral obligations which led to the maintenance of social harmony.
- “ it is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things… which unite into one single moral community, calling a church all who adhere to them.”
- uses the term totemism
How does Durkheim use totemism in his sociological critique ?
- the term symbolises God, but also the unity of the clan.
- He claimed God and unity were one and the same.
- These were symbols of both god and the society and though it is God that is consciously worshipped it is actually the society which is the object of veneration.
- The social system believes it owes its existence to God and so worships God. Therefore this is the same as claiming that society worships God. Religion is society divinised.
- Deities which are worshipped are projections of the power of society.
Evaluate Durkheim’s critique of religion.
What is Marxism?
summarise to key points
- society is motivated my material concerns. The concept of private property divided society into 2 main classes - the bourgeoisie who control production and the proleteriate who sell their labour.
- The economy shapes society’s superstructure including religion.
- Marx advocaated for a classless , stateless society where the means of production are collectively owned.
What is Marxism’s view on religion?
incude quotes
- religion is an expression of material realities and economic justice. Thus problems in religion in problems in society.
- religion was seen a tool to maintain power by encoraging the working classto accept their suffering in this life in exhange for the hope of a better afterlife.
- “ the religious world is but the reflex of the real world.”
- described it as the “Opium of the people”, as its role is to provide false comfort to the oppressed, helping them cope with suffering without adressing the real causes of their misery- capitalism.
- “religion is the sigh of the opressed creature”.
- In a communist society , he believed religios consolation would nolonger be needed as class divisions were abolished.
Evaluate Marx’s critique of religion. Give strengths
see document
What is Freud’s psychological critique?
- believed that religion is an illusion based on wish fulfillment. The human mind creates beliefs to satisfy its desires.
Quote: “Religion was an attempt to get control over the sensory world. In whcih we were placed by dreams of the wish world, which we have develped inside us a necessity” - suggests tht religion and neurosis are products of the human mind. “ an individual religiosity” with its repetitive rituals. “ a universal obsessional neurosis”
- Religion is merely a reaction to helplessness:
“ A bottom God is nothing more than an exalted father”- Freud.
Evaluate Freud’s psychological critique
What is postmodernism
- a philosophical stance characterised by sceptisicm towards objective turths , particularly in religion and spirtuatility. It suggests that truth is subjective and culturally depednent , leading to the ideea that different beliefs and practices can be valid for different individuals.
what are the scholars for postmodernism?
Norman Geisler: says that postmodensim fundamentally stems from atheism, producing relativism that permeates all aspects of lige , including morality and spirutalitiy. Its a rejection of established truths.
What are the critiques of postmodernism?
What are theist’s response to the critiques of post modernism.
Evaluate Freud’s critique. Give critiques
see document
What is Dawkins’ populist critique of religion
- believes that religious belief is unecessary , as biologu accepts evolution as an explanation for our ecistence, thsu there is no need to look for one in religion.
- believes religion to be outdated and “ the great cop out and excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate the evidence”
- “poky little meidival universe” , “ offers an impoverished world view”
- beleives religion to be a virus , and do more harm than good leading to evil “ noursihing extermism division and terror”
- concerned with evangelism and fundamentalists