Workplace Emotions, Attitudes, and Stress Flashcards
Emotions vs Moods
Intense feelings that are directed at someone or something.
Feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that lack a contextual stimulus.
Activation Emotions vs Evaluation Emotions
Emotions put us on readiness
Emotions have an associated valence
Four emotion categories
High Activation & Positive Emotions ex: Excited
High Activation & Negative Emotions ex: Distressed
Low Activation & Positive Emotions ex: Bored
Low Activation & Negative Emotions ex: Relaxed
Attitudes vs Emotions:
Attitudes: Judgments about an attitude/object. Involve conscious logical reasoning.More stable over time
Emotions: Experiences related to an attitude/object
Exist as events, usually unconsciously. `Experienced briefly
Three attitudes concepts that lead to behaviour:
Behavioural Intentions
Cognitive dissonance:
a mental conflict that occurs when your beliefs don’t line up with your actions.
Emotional Labour:
Effort, planning and control to express organizationally desired emotions
Emotional Intelligence (EI):
An assortment of noncognitive skills, capabilities, and competencies that influence a person’s ability to succeed in coping with environmental demands and pressures
Emotional Intelligence Hierarchy
- Management of others’ emotions
- Awareness of others’ emotions
- Management of your own emotions
- Awareness of your own emotions
Responses to dissatisfaction:
Three types of organizational commitments:
- Affective commitment: Emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in an organization
- Continuance commitment. Calculative attachment
- Normative commitment: Commitment based on moral duty
How to build affective organizational commitment:
T rust
O rganizational comprehension
E mployee involvement
S hared values
J ustice and support
Psychological contract:
Two types
A psychological contract is defined as an individual’s beliefs about the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange agreement between that person and another party
- transactional psychological contracts lead to economic exchanges
2.relational psychological contracts are based on social exchange
Two types:
Adaptive response to situations perceived as challenging or threatening to well-being
Prepares us to adapt to hostile environmental conditions
Eustress vs. distress
Four most common workplace stressors
Interpersonal conflict
Organizational constraints
Work overload
Low task control