Motivation at work Flashcards
Employee motivation vs Employee Engagement :
employee motivation – The forces within a person that affect the direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behaviour
Employee Engagement – Employee’s emotional and cognitive motivation, particularly a focused, intense, persistent, and purposive effort toward work-related goals
What drives employee engagement:
Goal setting
Employee involvement,
Organizational justice,
Organizational comprehension,
Employee development opportunity
Sufficient resources
Drives and needs:
Drives are primary needs: Hardwired brain activity that correct deficiencies. Innate and universal
Needs are Needs Goal-directed forces that people experience.
We channel emotional energy toward specific goals
Four drives in the four drive theory:
- Drive to acquire
- Drive to bond
- Drive to comprehend
- Drive to defend
Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory
4. Esteem
3. Belongingness
2. Safety
1. Physiological
(6&7 Need to
know Need for beauty)
Work your way up in importance of needs, its a pyramid that needs bottom support to get to the top
Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivators:
internal motivation vs outside factors
Learned needs theories and the three types:
Needs can be strengthened/weakened (learned) through self-concept, social norms, past experience
1. Need for achievement
2. Need for affiliation
3. Need for power
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory and the two factors
Motivators : Sources of satisfaction
Intrinsic factors (content of work)
Hygiene factors :Sources of dissatisfaction
Extrinsic factors (context of work)
The opposite of satisfaction is no satisfaction
opposite of dissatisfaction is not dissatisfaction
Expectancy Theory of Motivation
Three sets:
Effort to performance
Performance to outcome
Valence: anticipated satisfaction from the outcome
ABC Motivation behaviour:
A: Antecedent
B: Behavious
C: Concequences
Four Organizational Behaviour Modification theory:
- Positive reinforcement
- Punishment
- Extinction (When no consequences, behaviour decreases)
- Negative reinforcement
A cognitive representation of a desired end state that a person is committed to attain
Effective Goal Setting Features
Specific – What, how, where, when, and with whom the task needs to be accomplished
Measurable – how much, how well, at what cost
Achievable – challenging, yet accepted (E-to-P)
Relevant – within employee’s control
Time-framed – due date and when assessed
Exciting – employee commitment, not just compliance
Reviewed – feedback and recognition on goal progress and accomplishment
Characteristics of Effective Feedback
Specific – connected to goal details
Relevant – Relates to person’s behaviour
Timely –links actions to outcomes
Credible – trustworthy source
Sufficiently frequent
Equity theory:
Just compare you input and output to other peoples input and output and see if its fair
Procedural justice:
the perception that appropriate rules are applied in procedures used through the course of deciding the distribution of work place benefits and burdens
Interactional justice:
the perception that appropriate rules are applied in the way the people involved are treated throughout that decision process